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Miami, herring9: 'people'

221LUKand now the people in Wales are going to find out that I'm disappointed on my fiancé .
  and.CONJ now.ADV the.DET.DEF people.N.SG in.PREP name are.V.123P.PRES go.V.PRESPART to.PREP find.V.INFIN out.ADV that.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.PRES disappoint.V.PAST on.PREP my.ADJ.POSS.1S unk
267LUKthat's so ridiculous over &=mumble that amount of people .
  that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES so.ADV ridiculous.ADJ over.ADV.[or].over.PREP that.DEM.FAR amount.N.SG of.PREP people.N.SG
273LUKbut I don't wanna pay twelve hundred dollars for people to go look at birds .
  but.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.1S do.V.1S.PRES+NEG want.V.INFIN+TO.PREP pay.V.INFIN twelve.NUM hundred.NUM dollar.N.PL for.PREP people.N.SG to.PREP go.V.INFIN look.V.INFIN at.PREP bird.N.PL
366LUKso people stopped using it .
  so.ADV people.N.SG stop.V.PAST use.V.PRESPART it.PRON.OBJ.3S
416LUKso a lot of people are not gonna see because <of the> [/] of the wood .
  so.ADV a.DET.INDEF lot.N.SG of.PREP people.N.SG are.V.123P.PRES not.ADV go.V.PRESPART+TO.PREP see.V.INFIN because.CONJ of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP the.DET.DEF wood.N.SG
468LUKyeah but [/] but you can train him for hunting and be nice to people .
  yeah.ADV but.CONJ but.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES train.V.INFIN him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S for.PREP hunt.V.PRESPART and.CONJ be.V.INFIN nice.ADJ to.PREP people.N.SG
469LUKhunting animals not people .
  hunt.V.PRESPART animal.N.PL not.ADV people.N.SG
641CLAand these people don't have anything about you can't use you know candles or you can't use (.) you know (.) uhSE the little sparklers .
  and.CONJ these.DEM.NEAR.PL people.N.SG do.V.12S13P.PRES+NEG have.V.INFIN anything.PRON about.PREP you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES+NEG use.V.INFIN you.PRON.SUB.2SP know.V.2SP.PRES unk or.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP can.V.2SP.PRES+NEG use.V.INFIN you.PRON.SUB.2SP know.V.2SP.PRES uh.IM the.DET.DEF little.ADJ sparkler.N.PL
650LUKwell goo(d) we [/] we [//] I'm sure if we just pass out drugs then people won't complain about not having alcohol .
  well.ADV good.ADJ we.PRON.SUB.1P we.PRON.SUB.1P I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.PRES sure.ADJ if.CONJ we.PRON.SUB.1P just.ADV pass.V.INFIN out.ADV drug.N.PL then.ADV people.N.SG will.V.123SP.FUT+NEG complain.SV.INFIN about.PREP not.ADV have.V.PRESPART alcohol.N.SG
665LUK+< I still don't see why we have to bring another twenty five people .
  I.PRON.SUB.1S still.ADJ do.V.12S13P.PRES+NEG see.V.INFIN why.REL we.PRON.SUB.1P have.V.1P.PRES to.PREP bring.V.INFIN another.ADJ twenty.NUM five.NUM people.N.SG
740LUKyeah babe but <I don't think> [/] I don't think we're gonna fit a bunch of people in there .
  yeah.ADV babe.N.SG but.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.1S do.V.1S.PRES+NEG think.V.INFIN I.PRON.SUB.1S do.V.1S.PRES+NEG think.V.INFIN we.PRON.SUB.1P+BE.V.PRES go.V.PRESPART+TO.PREP fit.N.SG a.DET.INDEF bunch.N.SG of.PREP people.N.SG in.PREP there.ADV
808LUKbecause then you're paying <two different peop(le)> [//] two different companies to do +...
  because.CONJ then.ADV you.PRON.SUB.2SP+BE.V.PRES pay.V.PRESPART two.NUM different.ADJ people.N.SG two.NUM different.ADJ company.N.PL.[or].companies.N.PL to.PREP do.V.INFIN
810LUKno because there's some people like +...
  no.ADV because.CONJ there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES some.ADJ people.N.SG like.CONJ.[or].like.N.SG
956CLAfor the people [?] .
  for.PREP the.DET.DEF people.N.SG
970CLA+< there's some [//] there'll be a lot of old people .
  there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES some.ADJ there.ADV+BE.V.FUT be.SV.INFIN a.DET.INDEF lot.N.SG of.PREP old.ADJ people.N.SG
971CLAold people still can't handle it .
  old.ADJ people.N.SG still.ADJ can.V.123SP.PRES+NEG handle.N.SG it.PRON.OBJ.3S
974CLAthe temperature it's not good for old people .
  the.DET.DEF temperature.N.SG it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES not.ADV good.ADJ for.PREP old.ADJ people.N.SG
975LUKseventy degrees is not good for old people what the hell is that ?
  seventy.NUM degree.N.PL is.V.3S.PRES not.ADV good.ADJ for.PREP old.ADJ people.N.SG what.REL the.DET.DEF hell.N.SG is.V.3S.PRES that.DEM.FAR
978LUKhow are there so many old people here in FloridaSE ?
  how.ADV are.V.123P.PRES there.ADV so.ADV many.ADJ old.ADJ people.N.SG here.ADV in.PREP name