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Miami, sastre11: 'no'

1DIEparaS todoS loS queS tieneS queS verS conS psychology túS noS puedesS empezarS sinS mastersSE .
  for.PREP all.ADJ.M.SG the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.REL have.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ see.V.INFIN with.PREP psychology.N.SG you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S not.ADV be_able.V.2S.PRES begin.V.INFIN without.PREP master.N.SG+PL
  for everything that has to do with psychology you can't start without a master's.
3EVE+< yS ellaS noS tieneS masterSE todavíaS ?
  and.CONJ she.PRON.SUB.F.3S not.ADV have.V.3S.PRES master.N.SG yet.ADV
  and she hasn't got a master's yet?
7EVE[- spa] <y no lo va> [/] no lo va a sacar ?
  and.CONJ not.ADV him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S go.V.3S.PRES not.ADV him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S go.V.3S.PRES to.PREP remove.V.INFIN
  and she's not going to get it?
7EVE[- spa] <y no lo va> [/] no lo va a sacar ?
  and.CONJ not.ADV him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S go.V.3S.PRES not.ADV him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S go.V.3S.PRES to.PREP remove.V.INFIN
  and she's not going to get it?
21EVEahSE noSS ahoraS todoS esS +//.
  ah.IM not.ADV yes.ADV now.ADV everything.PRON.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES
  ah no, if now everything is...
41DIEno xxx .
51DIEno I closed march third or march fourth .
  no.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S close.V.PASTPART march.N.SG third.ADJ or.CONJ march.V.INFIN fourth.ORD
95DIE[- spa] no y es un contrator ya .
  not.ADV and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES one.DET.INDEF.M.SG contractor.N.M.SG already.ADV
  no, he's a contractor.
177DIEno and we didn't know OliverSE was coming when we made the commitment .
  no.ADV and.CONJ we.PRON.SUB.1P did.V.PAST+NEG know.SV.INFIN name was.V.3S.PAST come.V.PRESPART when.CONJ we.PRON.SUB.1P made.V.PAST the.DET.DEF commitment.N.SG
192DIE[- spa] no no no no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
  no, no.
192DIE[- spa] no no no no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
  no, no.
192DIE[- spa] no no no no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
  no, no.
192DIE[- spa] no no no no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
  no, no.
192DIE[- spa] no no no no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
  no, no.
192DIE[- spa] no no no no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
  no, no.
192DIE[- spa] no no no no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
  no, no.
203EVE[- spa] +< no aho(ra) [/] ahora la situación no está ni pa(ra) vender ni pa(ra) comprar ni +...
  not.ADV now.ADV now.ADV the.DET.DEF.F.SG situation.N.F.SG not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES nor.CONJ for.PREP sell.V.INFIN nor.CONJ for.PREP buy.V.INFIN nor.CONJ
  no, now the environment isn't one for selling or buying or...
203EVE[- spa] +< no aho(ra) [/] ahora la situación no está ni pa(ra) vender ni pa(ra) comprar ni +...
  not.ADV now.ADV now.ADV the.DET.DEF.F.SG situation.N.F.SG not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES nor.CONJ for.PREP sell.V.INFIN nor.CONJ for.PREP buy.V.INFIN nor.CONJ
  no, now the environment isn't one for selling or buying or...
209EVE[- spa] entonces los bancos (.) los bancos entonces le daban préstamo a gente que no calificaban .
  then.ADV the.DET.DEF.M.PL bank.N.M.PL the.DET.DEF.M.PL bank.N.M.PL then.ADV him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S give.V.3P.IMPERF loan.N.M.SG to.PREP people.N.F.SG that.PRON.REL not.ADV describe.V.3P.IMPERF
  then the banks gave loans to people who didn't qualify.
210DIE[- spa] +< no había razón .
  not.ADV have.V.13S.IMPERF reason.N.F.SG
  there was no reason..
212EVE[- spa] porque no ganaban lo suficiente pa(ra) poder pagar ese +//.
  because.CONJ not.ADV win.V.3P.IMPERF the.DET.DEF.NT.SG sufficient.ADJ.M.SG for.PREP be_able.V.INFIN pay.V.INFIN that.PRON.DEM.M.SG
  because they didn't earn enough to pay that...
237EVE[- spa] no y después tu tío se quedó sin trabajo .
  not.ADV and.CONJ afterwards.ADV your.ADJ.POSS.MF.2S.SG uncle.N.M.SG self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP stay.V.3S.PAST without.PREP work.N.M.SG
  no, and then your uncle found himself without a job.
239DIEno thank god thank god he has a great job now .
  no.ADV thank.N.SG god.N.SG thank.N.SG god.N.SG he.PRON.SUB.M.3S ha.IM+V 3S PRES.[or].has.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF great.ADJ job.N.SG now.ADV
245EVE[- spa] +< no no pueden (.) no pueden dormir .
  not.ADV not.ADV be_able.V.3P.PRES not.ADV be_able.V.3P.PRES sleep.V.INFIN
  no, they can't, they can't sleep.
245EVE[- spa] +< no no pueden (.) no pueden dormir .
  not.ADV not.ADV be_able.V.3P.PRES not.ADV be_able.V.3P.PRES sleep.V.INFIN
  no, they can't, they can't sleep.
245EVE[- spa] +< no no pueden (.) no pueden dormir .
  not.ADV not.ADV be_able.V.3P.PRES not.ADV be_able.V.3P.PRES sleep.V.INFIN
  no, they can't, they can't sleep.
246EVE[- spa] no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
246EVE[- spa] no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
246EVE[- spa] no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
250DIElaS genteS noS entiendenS conS losS foreclosures .
  the.DET.DEF.F.SG people.N.F.SG not.ADV understand.V.3P.PRES with.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.PL foreclosure.N.PL
  the people don't take responsibility of the foreclosures.
253DIE[- spa] que no se lo van a pagar .
  that.CONJ not.ADV to_him.PRON.INDIR.MF.3SP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S go.V.3P.PRES to.PREP pay.V.INFIN
  they are not going to pay it.
268DIEno and in MiamiSE two hundred thousand dollars ?
  no.ADV and.CONJ in.PREP name two.NUM hundred.NUM thousand.NUM dollar.N.PL
272EVE[- spa] no puedes .
  not.ADV be_able.V.2S.PRES
  you can't.
285EVEnoS creoS JackSE queS +...
  not.ADV create.V.1S.PRES.[or].believe.V.1S.PRES name that.CONJ
  I don't think so, Jack, that...
295EVE[- spa] que mira no a veces xxx .
  that.CONJ look.V.3S.PRES not.ADV to.PREP time.N.F.PL
  look, no, sometimes [...].
309EVE[- spa] porque si no imagínate .
  because.CONJ if.CONJ not.ADV imagine.V.2S.IMPER.PRECLITIC+TE[PRON.MF.2S]
  because if not, imagine.
310DIEno no no that's a great feeling .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF great.ADJ unk
310DIEno no no that's a great feeling .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF great.ADJ unk
310DIEno no no that's a great feeling .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF great.ADJ unk
312EVEnoS JackSE estoS estáS +...
  not.ADV name this.PRON.DEM.NT.SG be.V.3S.PRES
  no, Jack, this is...
314EVE[- spa] y después tienen que seguir trabajando porque no no les alcanza .
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV have.V.3P.PRES that.CONJ follow.V.INFIN work.V.PRESPART because.CONJ not.ADV not.ADV them.PRON.OBL.MF.23P manage.V.3S.PRES
  and then they have to carry on working because the money isn't enough.
314EVE[- spa] y después tienen que seguir trabajando porque no no les alcanza .
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV have.V.3P.PRES that.CONJ follow.V.INFIN work.V.PRESPART because.CONJ not.ADV not.ADV them.PRON.OBL.MF.23P manage.V.3S.PRES
  and then they have to carry on working because the money isn't enough.
315DIE+< no way no .
  no.ADV way.N.SG no.ADV
315DIE+< no way no .
  no.ADV way.N.SG no.ADV
317EVE[- spa] yo no sé .
  I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES
  I don't know.
318EVE[- spa] yo no sé &=gasp .
  I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES
  I don't know.
370EVE[- spa] no ahora todos están +...
  not.ADV now.ADV everything.PRON.M.PL be.V.3P.PRES
  no, now all of them are ...
376EVE[- spa] +< no todo .
  not.ADV everything.PRON.M.SG
  not everything.
377EVEyS [/] ySS sabesS yS conS esoS lasS cosasS todoS [/] todoS esS unaS cadenaS porqueS HomedepotSE estáS (.) queS noS estáS vendiendoS porqueS aS nadieS (.) noS hayS ventasS nadieS arreglaS casasS nadieS +...
  and.CONJ and.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S know.V.2S.PRES and.CONJ with.PREP that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG the.DET.DEF.F.PL thing.N.F.PL all.ADJ.M.SG everything.PRON.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF.F.SG chain.N.F.SG because.CONJ name be.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES sell.V.PRESPART because.CONJ to.PREP no-one.PRON not.ADV there_is.V.3S.PRES sale.N.F.PL no-one.PRON fix.V.2S.IMPER.[or].fix.V.3S.PRES household.N.F.PL.[or].marry.V.2S.PRES no-one.PRON
  and you know, and with this eveything is a chain because if Homedepot isn't selling because nobody has sales, nobody improves houses, nobody...
377EVEyS [/] ySS sabesS yS conS esoS lasS cosasS todoS [/] todoS esS unaS cadenaS porqueS HomedepotSE estáS (.) queS noS estáS vendiendoS porqueS aS nadieS (.) noS hayS ventasS nadieS arreglaS casasS nadieS +...
  and.CONJ and.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S know.V.2S.PRES and.CONJ with.PREP that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG the.DET.DEF.F.PL thing.N.F.PL all.ADJ.M.SG everything.PRON.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF.F.SG chain.N.F.SG because.CONJ name be.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES sell.V.PRESPART because.CONJ to.PREP no-one.PRON not.ADV there_is.V.3S.PRES sale.N.F.PL no-one.PRON fix.V.2S.IMPER.[or].fix.V.3S.PRES household.N.F.PL.[or].marry.V.2S.PRES no-one.PRON
  and you know, and with this eveything is a chain because if Homedepot isn't selling because nobody has sales, nobody improves houses, nobody...
382DIEno and [/] and it's not cheap .
  no.ADV and.CONJ and.CONJ it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES not.ADV cheap.ADJ
390EVE[- spa] que no hay +/.
  that.CONJ not.ADV there_is.V.3S.PRES
  that there is no...
407DIEthat's the hardest thing to do (be)cause there's no extra there is never extra .
  that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF hard.ADJ+ADJ.SUP thing.N.SG to.PREP do.V.INFIN because.CONJ there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES no.ADV extra.ADJ there.ADV is.V.3S.PRES never.ADV extra.ADJ
411DIE[- spa] yo no salgo de ahí sin gastar trescientos .
  I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S not.ADV exit.V.1S.PRES of.PREP there.ADV without.PREP spend.V.INFIN three_hundred.N.M.PL
  I don't get out of there without having spent three hundred.
415EVE[- spa] ya yo eso no lo hago .
  already.ADV I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG not.ADV him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S do.V.1S.PRES
  I don't do that any more.
417EVE[- spa] +< lo hago una vez pero porque no se puede .
  him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S do.V.1S.PRES a.DET.INDEF.F.SG time.N.F.SG but.CONJ because.CONJ not.ADV self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP be_able.V.3S.PRES
  I do it once but it's not possible.
419EVE[- spa] +< pero no se puede .
  but.CONJ not.ADV self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP be_able.V.3S.PRES
  but it's not possible.
437DIE+< no no no and now everybody is buying organic .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV and.CONJ now.ADV everybody.PRON is.V.3S.PRES buy.V.PRESPART organic.ADJ
437DIE+< no no no and now everybody is buying organic .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV and.CONJ now.ADV everybody.PRON is.V.3S.PRES buy.V.PRESPART organic.ADJ
437DIE+< no no no and now everybody is buying organic .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV and.CONJ now.ADV everybody.PRON is.V.3S.PRES buy.V.PRESPART organic.ADJ
443EVEnoS peroSS sabesS queS nosotrosS nosS quejamosS JackSE aquíS .
  not.ADV but.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S know.V.2S.PRES that.CONJ we.PRON.SUB.M.1P us.PRON.OBL.MF.1P complain.V.1P.PAST.[or].complain.V.1P.PRES name here.ADV
  no, but you know that we complain here, Jack.
491DIE[- spa] +< y el sol no se acaba .
  and.CONJ the.DET.DEF.M.SG sun.N.M.SG not.ADV self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP finish.V.3S.PRES
  and the sun doesn't run out.
501DIEno this is crazy .
  no.ADV this.DEM.NEAR.SG is.V.3S.PRES crazy.ADJ
523EVE[- spa] qué increíble no ?
  how.ADV incredible.ADJ.M.SG not.ADV
  how incredible, isn't it?
529DIE[- spa] lo que casi te piensan (.) hacen la pensamiento para uno para no tener que hacer nada .
  the.DET.DEF.NT.SG that.PRON.REL nearly.ADV you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S think.V.3P.PRES do.V.3P.PRES the.DET.DEF.F.SG thought.N.M.SG for.PREP one.PRON.M.SG for.PREP not.ADV have.V.INFIN that.CONJ do.V.INFIN nothing.PRON
  so that they almost think for you, they do the thinking for you so you don't have to do anything.
593EVEJackSE peroS esS queS aSS meS compranS unS teléfonoS deS esosS yS yoS noSS niS queS voyS aS hacerS conS élS .
  name but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ to.PREP me.PRON.PREP.MF.1S me.PRON.OBL.MF.1S buy.V.3P.PRES one.DET.INDEF.M.SG telephone.N.M.SG of.PREP that.PRON.DEM.M.PL and.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES nor.CONJ that.CONJ go.V.1S.PRES to.PREP do.V.INFIN with.PREP he.PRON.SUB.M.3S
  Jack, but the thing is that they have bought me one of those phones and I don't know what I'm going to do with it.
594DIEno no no I haven't [/] I haven't even started .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG even.ADV start.V.PASTPART
594DIEno no no I haven't [/] I haven't even started .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG even.ADV start.V.PASTPART
594DIEno no no I haven't [/] I haven't even started .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG even.ADV start.V.PASTPART
609DIE[- spa] y tú no ves nada .
  and.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S not.ADV see.V.2S.PRES nothing.PRON
  and you don't see anything.
708EVEesaS noS eraS laS queS MicrosoftSE estabaS tratandoS deS comprarS ?
  that.PRON.DEM.F.SG not.ADV be.V.13S.IMPERF the.DET.DEF.F.SG that.PRON.REL name be.V.13S.IMPERF treat.V.PRESPART of.PREP buy.V.INFIN
  wasn't that the one that Microsoft tried to buy?
710DIEno they're trying to buy YahooSE .
  no.ADV they.PRON.SUB.3P+BE.V.PRES try.V.PRESPART to.PREP buy.V.INFIN name
716DIEthey said no (.) for forty two billion .
  they.PRON.SUB.3P said.V.PAST no.ADV for.PREP forty.NUM two.NUM billion.NUM
735DIE[- spa] no no no y +...
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV and.CONJ
  no, no, and...
735DIE[- spa] no no no y +...
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV and.CONJ
  no, no, and...
735DIE[- spa] no no no y +...
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV and.CONJ
  no, no, and...
758EVE[- spa] no para comprar .
  not.ADV for.PREP buy.V.INFIN
  no, for buying.
765EVE[- spa] pero que no [/] no [/] no le carga la batería .
  but.CONJ that.CONJ not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S load.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.F.SG battery.N.F.SG
  but it doesn't charge the battery.
765EVE[- spa] pero que no [/] no [/] no le carga la batería .
  but.CONJ that.CONJ not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S load.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.F.SG battery.N.F.SG
  but it doesn't charge the battery.
765EVE[- spa] pero que no [/] no [/] no le carga la batería .
  but.CONJ that.CONJ not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S load.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.F.SG battery.N.F.SG
  but it doesn't charge the battery.
788EVE[- spa] no el no tiene tanto xxx porque aquí en la casa es donde él más trabaja <en la> [/] en la computadora .
  not.ADV the.DET.DEF.M.SG not.ADV have.V.3S.PRES so_much.ADJ.M.SG because.CONJ here.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG house.N.F.SG be.V.3S.PRES where.REL he.PRON.SUB.M.3S more.ADV work.V.2S.IMPER.[or].work.V.3S.PRES in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG computer.N.F.SG
  no, he doesn't have that much [...] because here in the house is where he does most of the work on the computer.
788EVE[- spa] no el no tiene tanto xxx porque aquí en la casa es donde él más trabaja <en la> [/] en la computadora .
  not.ADV the.DET.DEF.M.SG not.ADV have.V.3S.PRES so_much.ADJ.M.SG because.CONJ here.ADV in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG house.N.F.SG be.V.3S.PRES where.REL he.PRON.SUB.M.3S more.ADV work.V.2S.IMPER.[or].work.V.3S.PRES in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG computer.N.F.SG
  no, he doesn't have that much [...] because here in the house is where he does most of the work on the computer.
794DIE[- spa] no hay necesidad para [/] pa(ra) él meterle con +...
  not.ADV there_is.V.3S.PRES need.N.F.SG for.PREP for.PREP he.PRON.SUB.M.3S put.V.INFIN+LE[PRON.MF.3S] with.PREP
  he doesn't require putting in...
798EVE[- spa] sí porque es que no sé no sé qué le voy a comprar hijo .
  yes.ADV because.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES what.INT him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S go.V.1S.PRES to.PREP buy.V.INFIN son.N.M.SG
  yes, it's because he doesn't know, he doesn't know that I'm going to buy one, son.
798EVE[- spa] sí porque es que no sé no sé qué le voy a comprar hijo .
  yes.ADV because.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES that.CONJ not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES what.INT him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S go.V.1S.PRES to.PREP buy.V.INFIN son.N.M.SG
  yes, it's because he doesn't know, he doesn't know that I'm going to buy one, son.
801EVE[- spa] y no sé .
  and.CONJ not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES
  and I don't know.
804EVE[- spa] él no te ha dicho nada así que [/] que te dé una idea de +/.
  he.PRON.SUB.M.3S not.ADV you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S have.V.3S.PRES tell.V.PASTPART nothing.PRON thus.ADV that.CONJ that.CONJ you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S give.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES a.DET.INDEF.F.SG notion.N.F.SG of.PREP
  he hasn't told you anything that would give you an idea of...
805DIE+< &e noS noS noS noS I haven't talked to him xxx .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG talk.V.PASTPART to.PREP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S
  no, no, I haven't talked to him.
805DIE+< &e noS noS noS noS I haven't talked to him xxx .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG talk.V.PASTPART to.PREP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S
  no, no, I haven't talked to him.
805DIE+< &e noS noS noS noS I haven't talked to him xxx .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG talk.V.PASTPART to.PREP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S
  no, no, I haven't talked to him.
805DIE+< &e noS noS noS noS I haven't talked to him xxx .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV I.PRON.SUB.1S have.V.1S.PRES+NEG talk.V.PASTPART to.PREP him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S
  no, no, I haven't talked to him.
818EVE[- spa] creo no ?
  believe.V.1S.PRES.[or].create.V.1S.PRES not.ADV
  I think, isn't it?
847EVE[- spa] +< sí pero eso todavía no porque ya compramos uno .
  yes.ADV but.CONJ that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG yet.ADV not.ADV because.CONJ already.ADV buy.V.1P.PAST.[or].buy.V.1P.PRES one.PRON.M.SG
  yes, but that again isn't it because we have already bought one.
848DIE[- spa] para el cuarto no ?
  for.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG fourth.N.M.SG not.ADV
  for the bedroom, was it?
850EVEnoS pa(ra)S camping .
  not.ADV for.PREP camp.SV.INFIN+ASV
  no, for camping.
852EVE[- spa] tú no lo vistes ?
  you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S not.ADV him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S see.V.2S.PAST
  haven't you seen it?
856DIEthey have no glare .
  they.PRON.SUB.3P have.V.3P.PRES no.ADV glare.N.SG
857DIEthere's no reflexion on the glass .
  there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES no.ADV reflexion.N.SG on.PREP the.DET.DEF glass.N.SG
865EVE[- spa] no sé .
  not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES
  I don't know.
870EVE[- spa] si tú dices que esa se puede arreglar porque en realidad esa no es una computadora vieja +...
  if.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S tell.V.2S.PRES that.CONJ that.PRON.DEM.F.SG self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP be_able.V.3S.PRES fix.V.INFIN because.CONJ in.PREP reality.N.F.SG that.PRON.DEM.F.SG not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF.F.SG computer.N.F.SG old.ADJ.F.SG
  if you say that that can be fixed because it's not really an old computer...
871DIEno it's more than what he needs .
  no.ADV it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES more.ADV than.CONJ what.REL he.PRON.SUB.M.3S needs.ADV.[or].need.V.3S.PRES
874EVE[- spa] lo único que tiene es eso que no le está cargando la (.) la [/] la batería .
  the.DET.DEF.NT.SG unique.ADJ.M.SG that.CONJ have.V.3S.PRES be.V.3S.PRES that.PRON.DEM.NT.SG that.PRON.REL not.ADV him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S be.V.3S.PRES load.V.PRESPART the.DET.DEF.F.SG the.DET.DEF.F.SG the.DET.DEF.F.SG battery.N.F.SG
  the only thing it has is that it doesn't charge the battery.
875EVE[- spa] parece que tiene un contacto ahí que no +//.
  seem.V.2S.IMPER that.CONJ have.V.3S.PRES one.DET.INDEF.M.SG contact.N.M.SG there.ADV that.CONJ not.ADV
  it seems to have a contact somewhere that doesn't...
876EVE[- spa] tú sabes que no coge bien .
  you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S know.V.2S.PRES that.CONJ not.ADV take.V.3S.PRES well.ADV
  you know that it doesn't boot well.
885DIE+< no .
898DIEwhen you're out there there's no medicine .
  when.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.2SP+BE.V.PRES out.ADV there.ADV there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES no.ADV medicine.N.SG
910EVE[- spa] no &a [/] no cómo es no es perfecto pero +...
  not.ADV not.ADV how.INT be.V.3S.PRES not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES perfect.ADJ.M.SG but.CONJ
  no, as it is it's not perfect, but...
910EVE[- spa] no &a [/] no cómo es no es perfecto pero +...
  not.ADV not.ADV how.INT be.V.3S.PRES not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES perfect.ADJ.M.SG but.CONJ
  no, as it is it's not perfect, but...
910EVE[- spa] no &a [/] no cómo es no es perfecto pero +...
  not.ADV not.ADV how.INT be.V.3S.PRES not.ADV be.V.3S.PRES perfect.ADJ.M.SG but.CONJ
  no, as it is it's not perfect, but...
929EVE&=laughing no .
944EVE[- spa] no tienen marido .
  not.ADV have.V.3P.PRES husband.N.M.SG
  they don't have a husband.
945EVE[- spa] yo no sé los hijos cómo los hacen .
  I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES the.DET.DEF.M.PL son.N.M.PL how.INT them.PRON.OBJ.M.3P do.V.3P.PRES
  I don't know how they make the children.
950EVE[- spa] no trabajan .
  not.ADV work.V.3P.PRES
  they don't work.
954DIE+< noS yS BarackSE [/] BarackSE esS tremendoS demócrataS .
  not.ADV and.CONJ name name be.V.3S.PRES tremendous.ADJ.M.SG democrat.ADJ.M.SG.[or].democrat.N.M
  no, and Barack is a tremendous Democrat.
961EVE[- spa] que no se tire mucho porque tú sabes que (.) vaya .
  that.CONJ not.ADV self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP throw.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES much.ADV because.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S know.V.2S.PRES that.CONJ go.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES
  he doesn't stretch himself much because you know that he's... well.
964EVE[- spa] +< los [/] (.) los [/] (.) los pollitos rojos esos tú sabes que no son muy suaves .
  the.DET.DEF.M.PL the.DET.DEF.M.PL the.DET.DEF.M.PL chick.N.M.PL red.ADJ.M.PL that.PRON.DEM.M.PL you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S know.V.2S.PRES that.CONJ not.ADV be.V.3P.PRES very.ADV soft.ADJ.M.PL
  you know that those red chickens aren't any sweeter.
965DIE[- spa] no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
965DIE[- spa] no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
965DIE[- spa] no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
965DIE[- spa] no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
966EVE[- spa] cuando no le convenga la cosa (.) vaya .
  when.CONJ not.ADV him.PRON.OBL.MF.23S suit.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES the.DET.DEF.F.SG thing.N.F.SG go.V.13S.SUBJ.PRES
  when the cause doesn't suit him... well.
967DIE[- spa] no no no no no olvídate .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV forget.V.2S.IMPER.PRECLITIC+TE[PRON.MF.2S]
  no, forget about it.
967DIE[- spa] no no no no no olvídate .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV forget.V.2S.IMPER.PRECLITIC+TE[PRON.MF.2S]
  no, forget about it.
967DIE[- spa] no no no no no olvídate .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV forget.V.2S.IMPER.PRECLITIC+TE[PRON.MF.2S]
  no, forget about it.
967DIE[- spa] no no no no no olvídate .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV forget.V.2S.IMPER.PRECLITIC+TE[PRON.MF.2S]
  no, forget about it.
967DIE[- spa] no no no no no olvídate .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV forget.V.2S.IMPER.PRECLITIC+TE[PRON.MF.2S]
  no, forget about it.
974DIEnoSE noSE noSE noSE she's a shark .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV she.PRON.SUB.F.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF shark.N.SG
974DIEnoSE noSE noSE noSE she's a shark .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV she.PRON.SUB.F.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF shark.N.SG
974DIEnoSE noSE noSE noSE she's a shark .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV she.PRON.SUB.F.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF shark.N.SG
974DIEnoSE noSE noSE noSE she's a shark .
  no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV no.ADV she.PRON.SUB.F.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES a.DET.INDEF shark.N.SG
992DIE+" no (.) if you do that they're gonna kick your ass if you do that +...
1009DIE[- spa] y el otro no hizo nada .
  and.CONJ the.DET.DEF.M.SG other.PRON.M.SG not.ADV do.V.3S.PAST nothing.PRON
  and the other one didn't do anything.
1024EVEyoS noSS dóndeS vamosS aS pararS JackSE .
  I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S not.ADV know.V.1S.PRES where.INT go.V.1P.PRES to.PREP stall.V.INFIN name
  I don't know where we're going to end up, Jack.
1051EVE[- spa] +< no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
1051EVE[- spa] +< no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
1051EVE[- spa] +< no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
1051EVE[- spa] +< no no no no .
  not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV not.ADV
1055EVE[- spa] y [/] y [/] y tú no puedes .
  and.CONJ and.CONJ and.CONJ you.PRON.SUB.MF.2S not.ADV be_able.V.2S.PRES
  and you can't.