138 | KAY | +< fíjateS queS enS miS teléfonoS tantoS queS yoS marcoS queS yaS seS meS estáS acabandoS enS [/] enS the face of my phone . |
| | fix.V.2S.IMPER.PRECLITIC+TE[PRON.MF.2S] that.CONJ in.PREP my.ADJ.POSS.MF.1S.SG telephone.N.M.SG so_much.ADJ.M.SG than.CONJ I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S framework.N.M.SG that.PRON.REL already.ADV self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP me.PRON.OBL.MF.1S be.V.3S.PRES finish.V.PRESPART in.PREP in.PREP the.DET.DEF face.N.SG of.PREP my.ADJ.POSS.1S phone.N.SG |
| | take a look at my phone, I use it much that the face of my phone is already getting done in. |
221 | VAL | +" you want me to have a smile on my face ? |
| | you.PRON.SUB.2SP want.V.2SP.PRES me.PRON.OBJ.1S to.PREP have.V.INFIN a.DET.INDEF smile.N.SG on.PREP my.ADJ.POSS.1S face.N.SG |
| | |