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Patagonia, patagonia8: 'at'

598VICoedden nhw (y)n gorfod cario (y)r gwenith mewn wageni (.) at y stesion i roid yn y trên i fynd â fo adre achos oedd popeth yn cael ei fynd felly yn_doedd ?
  be.V.3P.IMPERF they.PRON.3P PRT have_to.V.INFIN carry.V.INFIN that.PRON.REL smile.V.3S.FUT in.PREP wagon.N.M.PL to.PREP the.DET.DEF station.N.F.SG to.PREP give.V.INFIN+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF train.N.M.SG to.PREP go.V.INFIN+SM with.PREP he.PRON.M.3S home.ADV because.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF everything.N.M.SG PRT get.V.INFIN his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S go.V.INFIN+SM so.ADV be.V.3S.IMPERF.TAG
  they had to carry the wheat in wagons to the station to put on the train and take it home because everything used to be transported like that didn't it?
803VIC(ba)sai (y)n well (ta)sen ni gyd yn hel at ei_gilydd a wneud un capel a nid (.) capeli bach yn bob man &=laugh .
  be.V.3S.PLUPERF PRT better.ADJ.COMP+SM be.V.1P.PLUPERF.HYP we.PRON.1P joint.ADJ+SM PRT collect.V.INFIN to.PREP each_other.PRON.3SP and.CONJ make.V.INFIN+SM one.NUM chapel.N.M.SG and.CONJ (it is) not.ADV chapels.N.M.PL small.ADJ in.PREP each.PREQ+SM place.N.MF.SG
  it'd be better if we all got together and made one chapel, and not little chapels everywhere