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Patagonia, patagonia9: 'o'

15BELac oedd hi (y)n anodd i ti ddod (.) yma bore (y)ma <o (y)r> [/] o (y)r [/] o [/] o +//.
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S PRT difficult.ADJ to.PREP you.PRON.2S come.V.INFIN+SM here.ADV morning.N.M.SG here.ADV of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP he.PRON.M.3S
  and it was hard for you to come here this morning from the...
15BELac oedd hi (y)n anodd i ti ddod (.) yma bore (y)ma <o (y)r> [/] o (y)r [/] o [/] o +//.
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S PRT difficult.ADJ to.PREP you.PRON.2S come.V.INFIN+SM here.ADV morning.N.M.SG here.ADV of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP he.PRON.M.3S
  and it was hard for you to come here this morning from the...
15BELac oedd hi (y)n anodd i ti ddod (.) yma bore (y)ma <o (y)r> [/] o (y)r [/] o [/] o +//.
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S PRT difficult.ADJ to.PREP you.PRON.2S come.V.INFIN+SM here.ADV morning.N.M.SG here.ADV of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP he.PRON.M.3S
  and it was hard for you to come here this morning from the...
15BELac oedd hi (y)n anodd i ti ddod (.) yma bore (y)ma <o (y)r> [/] o (y)r [/] o [/] o +//.
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S PRT difficult.ADJ to.PREP you.PRON.2S come.V.INFIN+SM here.ADV morning.N.M.SG here.ADV of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP the.DET.DEF of.PREP he.PRON.M.3S
  and it was hard for you to come here this morning from the...
16BELlot o waith yn y siop heddiw ?
  lot.QUAN of.PREP work.N.M.SG+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF shop.N.F.SG today.ADV
  a lot of work in the shop today?
17TERehCS na oedd o (y)n go_lew .
  eh.IM PRT.NEG be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT rather.ADV
  eh, no it was alright
19TERcynhyrfu o achos bod uh [/] uh &x um (.) nith ein chwaer ni ynde (.) yn dod yn +...
  agitate.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S because.CONJ be.V.INFIN er.IM er.IM um.IM niece.N.F.SG our.ADJ.POSS.1P sister.N.F.SG we.PRON.1P isn't_it.IM PRT come.V.INFIN PRT
  excited because, um, our sister's niece is coming...
21TER+< mae o +...
  be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S
22BELmae o yn [/] (.) mae +/.
  be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT be.V.3S.PRES
27TERa maen nhw (y)n cael triniaeth &v uh nawr am un o gloch .
  and.CONJ be.V.3P.PRES they.PRON.3P PRT get.V.INFIN treatment.N.F.SG er.IM now.ADV for.PREP one.NUM of.PREP bell.N.F.SG+SM
  and they're getting treatment now at one o clock
32TERond un bach ydy o de .
  but.CONJ one.NUM small.ADJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S be.IM+SM
  but it's a small one
54BELdoeddwn ddim we(di) [/] wedi gwybod bod o (y)n dod lawr .
  be.V.1S.IMPERF.NEG not.ADV+SM after.PREP after.PREP know.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S PRT come.V.INFIN down.ADV
  I hadn't known that it was coming down
71TERgormod o [/] o bobl allan yn mynd ac yn dod ynde .
  too_much.QUANT of.PREP of.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM out.ADV PRT go.V.INFIN and.CONJ PRT come.V.INFIN isn't_it.IM
  too many people outside coming and going aren't there
71TERgormod o [/] o bobl allan yn mynd ac yn dod ynde .
  too_much.QUANT of.PREP of.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM out.ADV PRT go.V.INFIN and.CONJ PRT come.V.INFIN isn't_it.IM
  too many people outside coming and going aren't there
76BEL<ond mae o (y)n> [/] mae uh uh popeth yn sglein yn [/] yn disgleirio <pryd mae> [//] yn GaimanCS pryd mae y +/.
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT be.V.3S.PRES er.IM er.IM everything.N.M.SG PRT shine.N.M.SG PRT PRT shine.V.INFIN when.INT be.V.3S.PRES in.PREP name when.INT be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF
  but everything is a sheen... is shiny in Gaiman when the...
81TER+< biti bod o wedi glawio erbyn y &g diwrnod y gorsedd .
  pity.N.M.SG+SM be.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP rain.V.INFIN by.PREP the.DET.DEF day.N.M.SG the.DET.DEF Gorsedd.N.F.SG
  a shame that it had rained by the day of the bards' ceremony
88TER+< yndy mae o .
  be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S
  yes it is
89TER+< mae o ddim yn neis fel (y)na na (y)dy ?
  be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM PRT nice.ADJ like.CONJ there.ADV PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES
  it's not nice like that, is it?
99BELond um (.) oedd [/] oedd uh [/] uh pwy oedd yn mynd i_fewn (e)leni uh o [/] o (y)r <i (y)r> [//] i (y)r gorsedd ?
  but.CONJ um.IM be.V.3S.IMPERF be.V.3S.IMPERF er.IM er.IM who.PRON be.V.3S.IMPERF PRT go.V.INFIN in.PREP this year.ADV er.IM from.PREP.[or].of.PREP.[or].he.PRON.M.3S of.PREP the.DET.DEF to.PREP the.DET.DEF to.PREP the.DET.DEF Gorsedd.N.F.SG
  but, er, who was going in this year, er, to the bards' ceremony
99BELond um (.) oedd [/] oedd uh [/] uh pwy oedd yn mynd i_fewn (e)leni uh o [/] o (y)r <i (y)r> [//] i (y)r gorsedd ?
  but.CONJ um.IM be.V.3S.IMPERF be.V.3S.IMPERF er.IM er.IM who.PRON be.V.3S.IMPERF PRT go.V.INFIN in.PREP this year.ADV er.IM from.PREP.[or].of.PREP.[or].he.PRON.M.3S of.PREP the.DET.DEF to.PREP the.DET.DEF to.PREP the.DET.DEF Gorsedd.N.F.SG
  but, er, who was going in this year, er, to the bards' ceremony
100TERwel uh dwy ferch fach o &g MadrynCS .
  well.IM er.IM two.NUM.F girl.N.F.SG+SM small.ADJ+SM of.PREP name
  well, er, two little girls from Madryn
115BEL+< ie o orsedd y (ei)ste(ddfod) &d [//] steddfod Porth_Madryn .
  yes.ADV of.PREP Gorsedd.N.F.SG+SM the.DET.DEF eisteddfod.N.F.SG eisteddfod.N.F.SG name
  yes, of the Puerto Madryn Eisteddfod chair
123BELac o TrelewCS <o (y)r> [/] o EsquelCS rywun ?
  and.CONJ from.PREP name of.PREP the.DET.DEF from.PREP name someone.N.M.SG+SM
  and from Trelew, from Esquel anybody?
123BELac o TrelewCS <o (y)r> [/] o EsquelCS rywun ?
  and.CONJ from.PREP name of.PREP the.DET.DEF from.PREP name someone.N.M.SG+SM
  and from Trelew, from Esquel anybody?
123BELac o TrelewCS <o (y)r> [/] o EsquelCS rywun ?
  and.CONJ from.PREP name of.PREP the.DET.DEF from.PREP name someone.N.M.SG+SM
  and from Trelew, from Esquel anybody?
125TERwnes i gweld o (y)n Y_Drafod a wnes i gweld o (y)n y (.) papur newydd .
  do.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S see.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S in.PREP name and.CONJ do.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S see.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S in.PREP the.DET.DEF paper.N.M.SG new.ADJ
  I saw it in Y Drafod and I saw it in the newspaper
125TERwnes i gweld o (y)n Y_Drafod a wnes i gweld o (y)n y (.) papur newydd .
  do.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S see.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S in.PREP name and.CONJ do.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S see.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S in.PREP the.DET.DEF paper.N.M.SG new.ADJ
  I saw it in Y Drafod and I saw it in the newspaper
129BELdw i uh dw i (we)di darllen o hefyd <ar y> [/] ie uh ar y (.) ebost (..) <mae &ni> [/] mae nifer wedi gyrru .
  be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S er.IM be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S after.PREP read.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S also.ADV on.PREP the.DET.DEF yes.ADV er.IM on.PREP the.DET.DEF email.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES be.V.3S.PRES number.N.M.SG after.PREP drive.V.INFIN
  I've read it as well on the email that many have sent
136BELgymaint o bethau efo ei_gilydd meddylia .
  so much.ADJ+SM of.PREP things.N.M.PL+SM with.PREP each_other.PRON.3SP think.V.2S.IMPER
  think, so many things all together
143TER+< ohCS mae o (y)n mynd .
  oh.IM be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT go.V.INFIN
  oh, it's going
144BELcymaint [/] uh cymaint o bethau efo ei_gilydd ac [//] a lot o bobl efo ei_gilydd .
  so much.ADJ er.IM so much.ADJ of.PREP things.N.M.PL+SM with.PREP each_other.PRON.3SP and.CONJ and.CONJ lot.QUAN of.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM with.PREP each_other.PRON.3SP
  so many things together and a lot of people together
144BELcymaint [/] uh cymaint o bethau efo ei_gilydd ac [//] a lot o bobl efo ei_gilydd .
  so much.ADJ er.IM so much.ADJ of.PREP things.N.M.PL+SM with.PREP each_other.PRON.3SP and.CONJ and.CONJ lot.QUAN of.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM with.PREP each_other.PRON.3SP
  so many things together and a lot of people together
146TERlot o bobl ia .
  lot.QUAN of.PREP people.N.F.SG+SM yes.ADV
  lots of people, yes
153TERoedd hi (y)n naw o gloch .
  be.V.3S.IMPERF she.PRON.F.3S PRT nine.NUM of.PREP bell.N.F.SG+SM
  it was 9 o clock
161BEL+< achos oedd o yn dri o yr gloch pan xxx +/.
  because.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT three.NUM.M+SM of.PREP the.DET.DEF bell.N.F.SG+SM when.CONJ
  because it was 3 o clock when [...]...
161BEL+< achos oedd o yn dri o yr gloch pan xxx +/.
  because.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT three.NUM.M+SM of.PREP the.DET.DEF bell.N.F.SG+SM when.CONJ
  because it was 3 o clock when [...]...
163BELcyrhaeddais i adre tri o (y)r gloch .
  arrive.V.1S.PAST I.PRON.1S home.ADV three.NUM.M of.PREP the.DET.DEF bell.N.F.SG+SM
  I arrived home at 3 o clock
168TERdim mor hwyr am ddau o (y)r gloch y bore ond +...
  not.ADV so.ADV late.ADJ for.PREP two.NUM.M+SM of.PREP the.DET.DEF bell.N.F.SG+SM the.DET.DEF morning.N.M.SG but.CONJ
  not so late at 2 o clock in the morning but...
200BEL[- spa] &u pero y nos sobra lugar en el quincho o [/] o lo harías en el +/.
  but.CONJ and.CONJ us.PRON.OBL.MF.1P leave.V.3S.PRES place.N.M.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG barbecue_area.N.M.SG or.CONJ or.CONJ him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S do.V.2S.COND in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG
  but we have plenty of space in the barbecue area, or would you do it in the...
200BEL[- spa] &u pero y nos sobra lugar en el quincho o [/] o lo harías en el +/.
  but.CONJ and.CONJ us.PRON.OBL.MF.1P leave.V.3S.PRES place.N.M.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG barbecue_area.N.M.SG or.CONJ or.CONJ him.PRON.OBJ.M.3S do.V.2S.COND in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG
  but we have plenty of space in the barbecue area, or would you do it in the...
228BELyS vasS aS hacerloS enS elS gegin adentroS oS [/] oS [/] oS [/] oS enS elS quinchoS ?
  and.CONJ go.V.2S.PRES to.PREP do.V.INFIN+LO[PRON.M.3S] in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG kitchen.N.F.SG+SM inside.ADV or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG barbecue_area.N.M.SG
  and you are going to do it in the ... inside or in the gazebo?
228BELyS vasS aS hacerloS enS elS gegin adentroS oS [/] oS [/] oS [/] oS enS elS quinchoS ?
  and.CONJ go.V.2S.PRES to.PREP do.V.INFIN+LO[PRON.M.3S] in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG kitchen.N.F.SG+SM inside.ADV or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG barbecue_area.N.M.SG
  and you are going to do it in the ... inside or in the gazebo?
228BELyS vasS aS hacerloS enS elS gegin adentroS oS [/] oS [/] oS [/] oS enS elS quinchoS ?
  and.CONJ go.V.2S.PRES to.PREP do.V.INFIN+LO[PRON.M.3S] in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG kitchen.N.F.SG+SM inside.ADV or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG barbecue_area.N.M.SG
  and you are going to do it in the ... inside or in the gazebo?
228BELyS vasS aS hacerloS enS elS gegin adentroS oS [/] oS [/] oS [/] oS enS elS quinchoS ?
  and.CONJ go.V.2S.PRES to.PREP do.V.INFIN+LO[PRON.M.3S] in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG kitchen.N.F.SG+SM inside.ADV or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ or.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG barbecue_area.N.M.SG
  and you are going to do it in the ... inside or in the gazebo?
230BELporqueS (.) enS elS gegin oS enS elS quinchoS [=! laugh] ?
  because.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG kitchen.N.F.SG+SM or.CONJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG barbecue_area.N.M.SG
  in the kitchen or in the gazebo?
234TERachos mae o yn (.) mwy o &l le .
  because.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP place.N.M.SG+SM
  because there's more room
234TERachos mae o yn (.) mwy o &l le .
  because.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP place.N.M.SG+SM
  because there's more room
235BELmwy o le yn y quinchoS .
  more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP place.N.M.SG+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF barbecue_area.N.M.SG
  more room in the gazebo
236TER+< mwy o le .
  more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP place.N.M.SG+SM
  more room
255TERbydd o (y)n neis .
  be.V.3S.FUT he.PRON.M.3S PRT nice.ADJ
  it'll be nice
258TERa wedyn dw i isio dangos yr um (.) &e albwm ydy o ?
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S want.N.M.SG show.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF um.IM album.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S
  and then I want to show the, um, album is it?
261TERachos mae o (y)n neis ehCS ?
  because.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT nice.ADJ eh.IM
  because it's nice, eh?
278TERyn Ebrill dach efo digon o amser achos mae [/] mae (y)n gwahanol i ni ganu achos dim pobl +/.
  in.PREP April.N.M.SG be.V.2P.PRES with.PREP enough.QUAN of.PREP time.N.M.SG because.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES be.V.3S.PRES PRT different.ADJ to.PREP we.PRON.1P sing.V.INFIN+SM because.CONJ not.ADV people.N.F.SG
  in April you have enough time because it's different for us singing, because no people...
293TERond mae um (.) xxx awydd wneud o .
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES um.IM desire.N.M.SG make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S
  but [...] wants to do it
294TERia (.) awydd wneud o .
  yes.ADV desire.N.M.SG make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S
  yes, wants to do it
295BEL+< ie awydd wneud o ie .
  yes.ADV desire.N.M.SG make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S yes.ADV
  yes, wants to do it
298TERdylsa mwy o teuluoedd uh +/.
  ought_to.V.3S.PLUPERF more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP families.N.M.PL er.IM
  more families should, er...
306TER+< na na gadael o [?] .
  no.ADV no.ADV leave.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S
  no, leave it
344TERna gwynt oedd yn taflu nhw o +/.
  no.ADV wind.N.M.SG be.V.3S.IMPERF PRT throw.V.INFIN they.PRON.3P from.PREP.[or].of.PREP.[or].he.PRON.M.3S
  no, the wind was throwing them from...
351TERahCS nes oedd o (we)di pydru .
  ah.IM nearer.ADJ.COMP be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP rot.V.INFIN
  ah, until it had rotted
361TERbydd o (y)n rhoid (y)chydig bydd .
  be.V.3S.FUT he.PRON.M.3S PRT give.V.INFIN a_little.QUAN be.V.3S.FUT
  he'll put in a few, yes
368BELa mae (.) tatws sy wedi cael ei (.) uh dod allan o (y)r tir <yn mor> [//] xxx yn flasus ofnadwy .
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES potatoes.N.F.PL be.V.3S.PRES.REL after.PREP get.V.INFIN his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S er.IM come.V.INFIN out.ADV of.PREP the.DET.DEF land.N.M.SG PRT so.ADV PRT tasty.ADJ+SM terrible.ADJ
  and potatoes that have been... er, come out of the ground so [...] especially tasty
379TER+< ond mae o +//.
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S
  but he...
399BEL<oedden nhw> [//] oeddwn [/] oeddwn i (y)n siarad efo MagwCS a [/] a CarysCS (.) diwrnod o blaen pan oeddwn i (y)n cael pryd o fwyd .
  be.V.3P.IMPERF they.PRON.3P be.V.1S.IMPERF be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S PRT talk.V.INFIN with.PREP name and.CONJ and.CONJ name day.N.M.SG of.PREP plain.ADJ+SM.[or].front.N.M.SG when.CONJ be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S PRT get.V.INFIN when.INT of.PREP food.N.M.SG+SM
  I was talking to Magw and Carys the other day while we were having a meal
399BEL<oedden nhw> [//] oeddwn [/] oeddwn i (y)n siarad efo MagwCS a [/] a CarysCS (.) diwrnod o blaen pan oeddwn i (y)n cael pryd o fwyd .
  be.V.3P.IMPERF they.PRON.3P be.V.1S.IMPERF be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S PRT talk.V.INFIN with.PREP name and.CONJ and.CONJ name day.N.M.SG of.PREP plain.ADJ+SM.[or].front.N.M.SG when.CONJ be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S PRT get.V.INFIN when.INT of.PREP food.N.M.SG+SM
  I was talking to Magw and Carys the other day while we were having a meal
403BELond mae &k uh caretsh yn dod o carrotsE o [/] o [/] o Saesneg .
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES er.IM carrots.N.M.PL PRT come.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S carrot.N.PL of.PREP of.PREP of.PREP English.N.F.SG
  but caretsh comes from "carrots" in English
403BELond mae &k uh caretsh yn dod o carrotsE o [/] o [/] o Saesneg .
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES er.IM carrots.N.M.PL PRT come.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S carrot.N.PL of.PREP of.PREP of.PREP English.N.F.SG
  but caretsh comes from "carrots" in English
403BELond mae &k uh caretsh yn dod o carrotsE o [/] o [/] o Saesneg .
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES er.IM carrots.N.M.PL PRT come.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S carrot.N.PL of.PREP of.PREP of.PREP English.N.F.SG
  but caretsh comes from "carrots" in English
403BELond mae &k uh caretsh yn dod o carrotsE o [/] o [/] o Saesneg .
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES er.IM carrots.N.M.PL PRT come.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S carrot.N.PL of.PREP of.PREP of.PREP English.N.F.SG
  but caretsh comes from "carrots" in English
411TERbuenoS dw i (y)n defnyddio pupur o blwyddyn diwethaf wedi cael ei roid yn y (.) freezerE .
  well.E be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S PRT use.V.INFIN pepper.N.M.SG of.PREP year.N.F.SG last.ADJ after.PREP get.V.INFIN his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S give.V.INFIN+SM in.PREP the.DET.DEF freezer.N.SG
  well I'm using peppers from last year that were put in the freezer
413BELa mae o (y)n blasus .
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT tasty.ADJ
  and it's tasty
419BEL<oedd o> [//] oedd [/] <oedd gyda ni> [//] oedd [/] oedd gyda fi dwy [/] dwy sach bach <yn y &fr> [/] yn y +/.
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S be.V.3S.IMPERF be.V.3S.IMPERF with.PREP we.PRON.1P be.V.3S.IMPERF be.V.3S.IMPERF with.PREP I.PRON.1S+SM two.NUM.F two.NUM.F sack.N.F.SG small.ADJ in.PREP the.DET.DEF in.PREP the.DET.DEF
  I had two little sacks in the fr...
422TERa dach chi (we)di gorffen o ?
  and.CONJ be.V.2P.PRES you.PRON.2P after.PREP complete.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S
  and you've finished it
443TERcomoS estáS elS freezerE enS laS chacraS llevoS cuatroS oS cincoS .
  like.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.M.SG freezer.N.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG farm.N.F.SG wear.V.1S.PRES four.NUM or.CONJ five.NUM
  since the freezer is on the farm I bring four or five
445BEL[- spa] o y las habas las puso ahora y los chochos todavía no ?
  or.CONJ and.CONJ the.DET.DEF.F.PL broad_bean.N.F.PL them.PRON.OBJ.F.3P put.V.3S.PAST now.ADV and.CONJ the.DET.DEF.M.PL fool.N.M.PL yet.ADV not.ADV
  or, and now he has the broad beans but not the beans yet?
462BEL[- spa] porque incluso hay un plato asturiano que se llama fabada o algo así .
  because.CONJ even.ADV there_is.V.3S.PRES one.DET.INDEF.M.SG plate.N.M.SG Asturian.ADJ.M.SG that.CONJ self.PRON.REFL.MF.3SP call.V.3S.PRES bean_stew.N.F.SG or.CONJ something.PRON.M.SG thus.ADV
  because there is even an Asturian dish called fabada or something like that
472BEL[- spa] o si hubiera sido xxx claro .
  or.CONJ if.CONJ have.V.13S.SUBJ.IMPERF be.V.PASTPART of_course.E
  or if it would have been [...] of course
478TER[- spa] &=cough o te gusta .
  or.CONJ you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S like.V.3S.PRES
  or you like it
492TERa mae o (y)n &=laugh mae o yn oer ac we(dyn) mae o (y)n boeth ac [//] a felly .
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT cold.ADJ and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT hot.ADJ+SM and.CONJ and.CONJ so.ADV
  and it's cold and then it's hot, like that
492TERa mae o (y)n &=laugh mae o yn oer ac we(dyn) mae o (y)n boeth ac [//] a felly .
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT cold.ADJ and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT hot.ADJ+SM and.CONJ and.CONJ so.ADV
  and it's cold and then it's hot, like that
492TERa mae o (y)n &=laugh mae o yn oer ac we(dyn) mae o (y)n boeth ac [//] a felly .
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT cold.ADJ and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT hot.ADJ+SM and.CONJ and.CONJ so.ADV
  and it's cold and then it's hot, like that
504TER+< ond [/] ond rhaid roid o (y)n_ôl i (y)r xxx .
  but.CONJ but.CONJ necessity.N.M.SG give.V.0.IMPERF+SM.[or].give.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S back.ADV to.PREP the.DET.DEF
  but have to put it back to the [...]
513BEL+< ohCS (y)chydig bach o goed .
  oh.IM a_little.QUAN small.ADJ of.PREP trees.N.F.PL+SM
  oh, a little bit of wood
519TERdydd Sul fydd raid i ni dorri (.) ychydig o +/.
  day.N.M.SG Sunday.N.M.SG be.V.3S.FUT+SM necessity.N.M.SG+SM to.PREP we.PRON.1P break.V.INFIN+SM a_little.QUAN of.PREP
  on Sunday we'll have to chop a little...
520BEL++ o goed ia .
  of.PREP trees.N.F.PL+SM yes.ADV
  ...wood, yes
540TERmwy o waith y tŷ a mwy [/] mwy +...
  more.ADJ.COMP of.PREP work.N.M.SG+SM the.DET.DEF house.N.M.SG and.CONJ more.ADJ.COMP more.ADJ.COMP
  more housework, and more...
565TERos bydd amser bydd &aw uh angen [/] angen (.) wnawn ni (.) wneud o yna (.) yn hawdd ia .
  if.CONJ be.V.3S.FUT time.N.M.SG be.V.3S.FUT er.IM need.N.M.SG need.N.M.SG do.V.1P.PRES+SM we.PRON.1P make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S there.ADV PRT easy.ADJ yes.ADV
  if there's time... if necessary, we'll do it there easily
624TERia [=! whispers] (.) a dydd Sul pryd wnaeth uh PedroCS uh cig ar y xxx (.) uh allan (..) mi anghofiodd ychydig bach o (y)r tân a gorfod mynd i roid y +...
  yes.ADV and.CONJ day.N.M.SG Sunday.N.M.SG when.INT do.V.3S.PAST+SM er.IM name er.IM meat.N.M.SG on.PREP the.DET.DEF er.IM out.ADV PRT.AFF forget.V.3S.PAST a_little.QUAN small.ADJ of.PREP the.DET.DEF fire.N.M.SG and.CONJ have_to.V.INFIN go.V.INFIN to.PREP give.V.INFIN+SM the.DET.DEF
  yes, and on Sunday when Pedro made meat on the [...] outside, he forgot about a little part of the fire, and had to go and put the...
626TERachos <oedd o (y)n deud> [?] yn syth ynde .
  because.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT say.V.INFIN PRT straight.ADJ isn't_it.IM
  because he said straight away
627TERa mae o (y)n uh +...
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT er.IM
  and it's, er...
630TERond wnes i gweld o a roi dŵr a (dy)na fo .
  but.CONJ do.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S see.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S and.CONJ give.V.INFIN+SM water.N.M.SG and.CONJ that_is.ADV he.PRON.M.3S
  but I saw it and put some water on it and that was it
636TERond <mae o xxx> [//] mi oedd o (y)n flasus <a bopeth do> [?] ?
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT.AFF be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT tasty.ADJ+SM and.CONJ everything.N.M.SG+SM yes.ADV.PAST
  but it [...] was tasty was tasty and everything, right ?
636TERond <mae o xxx> [//] mi oedd o (y)n flasus <a bopeth do> [?] ?
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT.AFF be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT tasty.ADJ+SM and.CONJ everything.N.M.SG+SM yes.ADV.PAST
  but it [...] was tasty was tasty and everything, right ?
772TER[- spa] tendremos que cambiar te parece el mantel que siempre tenemos o ?
  have.V.1P.FUT that.CONJ shift.V.INFIN you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S seem.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.M.SG tablecloth.N.M.SG that.PRON.REL always.ADV have.V.1P.PRES or.CONJ
  would we have to change the tablecloth that we always have, do you think?
807BEL[- spa] oye &ad &e volvés a trabajar ahora a la librería o ?
  hear.V.2S.IMPER return.V.2S.PRES to.PREP work.V.INFIN now.ADV to.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG bookshop.N.F.SG or.CONJ
  listen, are you going back to work at the library now, or ?
808BEL[- spa] o a la tarde vas a .
  or.CONJ to.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG afternoon.N.F.SG go.V.2S.PRES to.PREP
  or in the afternoon you are going to
822TER[- spa] &=cough unas creo que ocho o diez diez colmenas .
  one.DET.INDEF.F.PL believe.V.1S.PRES that.CONJ eight.NUM or.CONJ ten.NUM ten.NUM beehive.N.F.PL
  around eight or ten, ten honeycombs
825BEL[- spa] +< sí sí y si agarran dos o tres nuevas este año ?
  yes.ADV yes.ADV and.CONJ if.CONJ grab.V.3P.PRES two.NUM or.CONJ three.NUM new.ADJ.F.PL this.ADJ.DEM.M.SG year.N.M.SG
  yes, and if you take two or three new ones this year?
840TER[- spa] la familia usa &=cough los que usan miel o les gusta comen mucho .
  the.DET.DEF.F.SG family.N.F.SG use.V.2S.IMPER.[or].use.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.M.PL that.PRON.REL use.V.3P.PRES honey.N.F.SG or.CONJ them.PRON.OBL.MF.23P like.V.3S.PRES eat.V.3P.PRES much.ADV
  the family eat, those who eat honey or like it, eat a lot
858BEL[- spa] no yo &to [/] yo [/] yo nosotros en invierno yo tomo &=cough con el té o el café yo como miel xxx .
  not.ADV I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S we.PRON.SUB.M.1P in.PREP winter.N.M.SG I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S take.V.1S.PRES with.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG tea.N.M.SG or.CONJ the.DET.DEF.M.SG coffee.N.M.SG I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S eat.V.1S.PRES honey.N.F.SG
  I, we, in winter, I drink it with tea, or coffee, I eat honey [...]
860BEL[- spa] y ahora viste que (.) casi que (.) empieza a mejorar que no hace tanto frío y a no hacer tanto frío y a lo mejor ya no tomo café en la mañana o té .
  and.CONJ now.ADV see.V.2S.PAST that.CONJ nearly.ADV that.CONJ start.V.3S.PRES to.PREP improve.V.INFIN that.CONJ not.ADV do.V.3S.PRES so_much.ADJ.M.SG chill.ADJ.M.SG and.CONJ to.PREP not.ADV do.V.INFIN so_much.ADJ.M.SG chill.ADJ.M.SG and.CONJ to.PREP the.DET.DEF.NT.SG good.ADJ.M.SG already.ADV not.ADV take.V.1S.PRES coffee.N.M.SG in.PREP the.DET.DEF.F.SG morning.N.F.SG or.CONJ tea.N.M.SG
  and now, you see, that the weather is starting to get better, that it is not so cold, maybe I'll stop drinking coffee in the mornings, or tea
873TER[- spa] y aunque hubiera una manteca (..) sin colesterol o qué sé yo +/.
  and.CONJ though.CONJ have.V.13S.SUBJ.IMPERF a.DET.INDEF.F.SG lard.N.F.SG without.PREP cholesterol.N.M.SG or.CONJ what.INT be.V.2S.IMPER I.PRON.SUB.MF.1S
  and although there was butter without cholesterol, or what do I know ...
894TERhefyd yn [/] yn (.) gweld hi o bell .
  also.ADV PRT PRT see.V.INFIN she.PRON.F.3S from.PREP far.ADJ+SM
  also seeing it from far away
897BELia a beth arall mae o wedi +...
  yes.ADV and.CONJ thing.N.M.SG+SM other.ADJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S after.PREP
  yes, and what else has he...
902BELbeth arall mae o dim yn gadael i ti fwyta ?
  thing.N.M.SG+SM other.ADJ be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV PRT leave.V.INFIN to.PREP you.PRON.2S eat.V.INFIN+SM
  what else does he not let you eat?
908TERbara o achos bod y [/] y halen .
  bread.N.M.SG he.PRON.M.3S because.CONJ be.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF the.DET.DEF salt.N.M.SG
  bread because of the salt
928TERyS aS suS vezS <mae rywun> [/] mae rywun yn codi pwysau o bob man ydy .
  and.CONJ to.PREP his.ADJ.POSS.MF.3SP.SG time.N.F.SG be.V.3S.PRES someone.N.M.SG+SM be.V.3S.PRES someone.N.M.SG+SM PRT lift.V.INFIN weights.N.M.PL he.PRON.M.3S each.PREQ+SM place.N.MF.SG be.V.3S.PRES
  and also, one puts on weight from everywhere
967BEL[- spa] te cuesta llevarlo un poco o no ?
  you.PRON.OBL.MF.2S cost.V.3S.PRES wear.V.INFIN+LO[PRON.M.3S] one.DET.INDEF.M.SG little.ADJ.M.SG or.CONJ not.ADV
  and it is a little hard to follow?
1012TER+, mae raid iddyn nhw roi rywbeth ia (.) i wneud o (y)n (.) fwy blasus .
  be.V.3S.PRES necessity.N.M.SG+SM to_them.PREP+PRON.3P they.PRON.3P give.V.INFIN+SM something.N.M.SG+SM yes.ADV to.PREP make.V.INFIN+SM he.PRON.M.3S PRT more.ADJ.COMP+SM tasty.ADJ
  they have to put in something, right, to make it tastier
1014BELarglwydd (dy)dy o (ddi)m yn anodd (.) uh paratoi pethau heb halen (.) na (y)dy ?
  lord.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES.NEG he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV+SM PRT difficult.ADJ er.IM prepare.V.INFIN things.N.M.PL without.PREP salt.N.M.SG PRT.NEG be.V.3S.PRES
  Lord, it's not hard to prepare things without salt, is it?
1020BEL+< ond [/] uh ond pethau uh heb halen mae o dim yn anodd .
  but.CONJ er.IM but.CONJ things.N.M.PL er.IM without.PREP salt.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S not.ADV PRT difficult.ADJ
  but, er, things without salt, it's not hard
1094BEL[- spa] o con el chiquitín porque es el que no conocemos .
  or.CONJ with.PREP the.DET.DEF.M.SG tiny.ADJ because.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES the.DET.DEF.M.SG that.PRON.REL not.ADV meet.V.1P.PRES
  or with the little one because that's the one we haven't met
1108TERwel &m mi fydd yn dda iawn i (y)r ddau yndy &=laugh colli ychydig o bwysau .
  well.IM PRT.AFF be.V.3S.FUT+SM PRT good.ADJ+SM very.ADV to.PREP the.DET.DEF two.NUM.M+SM be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH lose.V.INFIN a_little.QUAN of.PREP weights.N.M.PL+SM
  well, it will be good for them both, won't it, to lose a little weight
1119BELachos fel (fa)sai ni cymeryd sŵp o guanacoS !
  because.CONJ like.CONJ be.V.3S.PLUPERF+SM we.PRON.1P take.V.INFIN soup.N.M.SG of.PREP guanaco.N.M.SG
  because, it'd be like us have some guanaco soup!
1120TERwel (.) siŵr o fod .
  well.IM sure.ADJ of.PREP be.V.INFIN+SM
  well, I'm sure
1125TERond os oedden nhw (y)n lladd o xxx rywbeth arall de wel mae cig y +...
  but.CONJ if.CONJ be.V.3P.IMPERF they.PRON.3P PRT kill.V.INFIN he.PRON.M.3S something.N.M.SG+SM other.ADJ be.IM+SM well.IM be.V.3S.PRES meat.N.M.SG the.DET.DEF
  but if they were killing it [...] something else, eh, well the meat...
1128BELwedi cael sŵp uh &bis sŵp o bisonteS .
  after.PREP get.V.INFIN soup.N.M.SG er.IM soup.N.M.SG of.PREP bison.N.M.SG
  had bison soup
1138TERoedd o (y)n flasus ?
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT tasty.ADJ+SM
  was it tasty?
1140BELoedd (.) oedd o (y)n [/] oedd o (y)n deud fod yn [/] fod o (y)n flasus iawn .
  yes, he was saying that it was very tasty
1140BELoedd (.) oedd o (y)n [/] oedd o (y)n deud fod yn [/] fod o (y)n flasus iawn .
  yes, he was saying that it was very tasty
1140BELoedd (.) oedd o (y)n [/] oedd o (y)n deud fod yn [/] fod o (y)n flasus iawn .
  yes, he was saying that it was very tasty
1148BELac uh wedyn xxx mae o fel [/] (.) fel (fa)sen nhw xxx rywbeth (fa)sai twristiaid yn wneud .
  and.CONJ er.IM afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S like.CONJ like.CONJ be.V.3P.PLUPERF+SM they.PRON.3P something.N.M.SG+SM be.V.3S.PLUPERF+SM tourist.N.M.PL PRT make.V.INFIN+SM
  and, er, then [...] it's like, like they were [...] something tourists would do
1153BELac oedd o (y)n deud bod hi wedi nosi am hanner awr wedi pump .
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT say.V.INFIN be.V.INFIN she.PRON.F.3S after.PREP become_night.V.INFIN for.PREP half.N.M.SG hour.N.F.SG after.PREP five.NUM
  and he was saying it got dark at half past five
1179BELoedd o <(y)n hardd> [//] yn ardderchog meddai nhw .
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT beautiful.ADJ PRT excellent.ADJ say.V.3S.IMPERF they.PRON.3P
  it was lovely, excellent they said
1181BELoedd o ar yr &ib ebost bore (y)ma .
  be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S on.PREP the.DET.DEF email.N.M.SG morning.N.M.SG here.ADV
  it was on the email this morning