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Siarad, fusser12: 'petasech'

1606LNWwellCE ie (peta)sech chi justCE yn gwneud pensionCE xxx # yn gyffredinol .
  well yes if_be.2PL.CONDIT PRON.2PL just PRT do.NONFIN pension PRT general
  well.ADV yes.ADV unk you.PRON.2P just.ADV PRT make.V.INFIN pension.N.SG PRT general.ADJ+SM
  well yes, if you just did a pension [...] generally
1717WEN+< (peta)sech chi medru justCE dal .
  if_be.2PL.CONDIT PRON.2PL can.NONFIN just hold.NONFIN
  unk you.PRON.2P be_able.V.INFIN just.ADV tall.ADJ+SM.[or].continue.V.2S.IMPER.[or].continue.V.INFIN
  if you could just hold
2078LNW+< a mae nhw (y)n deud (peta)sech chi mynd i BlaenauCE <bod y> [/] bod y myny(dd) [//] mynyddoedd fath รข honeycombE .
  and be.3PL.PRES PRON.3PL PRT say.NONFIN if_be.2PL.CONDIT PRON.2PL go.NONFIN to Blaenau be.NONFIN DET be.NONFIN DET mountain mountains kind with honeycomb
  and.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES they.PRON.3P PRT say.V.INFIN unk you.PRON.2P go.V.INFIN to.PREP name be.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF be.V.INFIN the.DET.DEF mountain.N.M.SG mountains.N.M.PL type.N.F.SG+SM as.PREP honeycomb.N.SG
  and they say if you went to Blaenau that the mountain...mountains are like honeycomb