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Siarad, fusser13: 'ochr'

305CRIyeahCE ochr ar(all) +// .
  yeah side other
  yeah.ADV side.N.F.SG other.ADJ
  yeah the other side...
310CRIond mae (y)na dai ochr arall i ryw glawdd drain does .
  but be.3S.PRES there houses side other to some hedge thorn be.3S.PRES.NEG
  but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES there.ADV houses.N.M.PL+SM side.N.F.SG other.ADJ to.PREP some.PREQ+SM hedge.N.M.SG+SM unk be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.NEG
  but there's a hedge the other side of some thorn bush, isn't there
454CRImae o ar ryw ochr lôn brysur mewn ffordd dydy .
  be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM on some side road busy in way be.3S.PRES.NEG
  be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S on.PREP some.PREQ+SM side.N.F.SG unk busy.ADJ+SM in.PREP way.N.F.SG be.V.3S.PRES.NEG
  it's on the side of a busy road in a way, isn't it
640ANNoedden ni (y)n cychwyn yn MeddgelertCE # a cerdded efo # yr afon ochr bella i (y)r afon .
  be.1PL.IMP PRON.1PL PRT start.NONFIN in Beddgelert and walk.NONFIN with DET river side farthest to DET river
  be.V.1P.IMPERF we.PRON.1P PRT start.V.INFIN in.PREP name and.CONJ walk.V.INFIN with.PREP the.DET.DEF river.N.F.SG side.N.F.SG unk to.PREP the.DET.DEF river.N.F.SG
  we started in Beddgelert and walked with the river, the other side of the river
643ANNa (we)dyn mae o (y)n cario (y)mlaen roundCE # (y)r ochr bella i (y)r llyn .
  and then be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM PRT carry.NONFIN on round DET side farthest to DET lake
  and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT carry.V.INFIN forward.ADV round.ADJ the.DET.DEF side.N.F.SG unk to.PREP the.DET.DEF lake.N.M.SG
  and then it carries on round the other side of the lake
671ANNdan ni mynd dros yr Grisiau_Rhufeinig ## o ochr # Cwm_BychanCE de .
  be.1PL.PRES PRON.1PL go.NONFIN over DET Roman_Steps from side Cwm_Bychan TAG
  be.V.1P.PRES we.PRON.1P go.V.INFIN over.PREP+SM the.DET.DEF name of.PREP side.N.F.SG name be.IM+SM
  we're going over the Roman Steps, from the Cwm Bychan side, you know
707ANNachos heibio Maes_GarneddCE mae rywun yn mynd i_fyny ochr yma anywayE yeahCE ?
  because past Maes_Garnedd be.3S.PRES somebody PRT go.NONFIN up side here anyway yeah
  because.CONJ past.PREP name be.V.3S.PRES someone.N.M.SG+SM PRT go.V.INFIN up.ADV side.N.F.SG here.ADV anyway.ADV yeah.ADV
  because it's past Maes y Garnedd one goes up this side anyway, yeah?
1198ANNfelly # wnes i (y)r ddwy ochr .
  thus do.1S.PAST PRON.1S DET two.F side
  so.ADV do.V.1S.PAST+SM I.PRON.1S the.DET.DEF two.NUM.F+SM side.N.F.SG
  that's how I did both sides
1537ANNahCE ia ond mae (y)n jobCE efo garavanCE i gysgu yn ochr tŷ a ballu (y)n ganol pentre yndy ddim dŵad ?
  IM yes but be.3S.PRES PRT job with caravan to sleep.NONFIN in side house and such in middle village be.3S.PRES NEG say.2S.IMPER
  ah.IM yes.ADV but.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES PRT job.N.SG with.PREP caravan.N.SG+SM to.PREP sleep.V.INFIN+SM PRT.[or].in.PREP side.N.F.SG house.N.M.SG and.CONJ suchlike.PRON PRT middle.N.M.SG+SM village.N.M.SG be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH not.ADV+SM come.V.INFIN
  ah yes, but it's difficult with a caravan to sleep at the side ofa house and so on in the middle of a village, isn't it?