89 | LIS | soCE fydd rhaid i ti dod i FangorCE <raid i ni> [?] cwrdd lan . |
| | so be.3S.FUT necessity PRT PRON.2S come.NONFIN to Bangor necessity PRT PRON.1PL meet.NONFIN up |
| | so.ADV be.V.3S.FUT+SM necessity.N.M.SG to.PREP you.PRON.2S come.V.INFIN to.PREP name necessity.N.M.SG+SM to.PREP we.PRON.1P meet.V.INFIN shore.N.F.SG+SM |
| | so you'll have to come up to Bangor, we'll have to meet up. |
164 | MAB | mae brawd hi (y)n dod lawr # heno . |
| | be.3S.PRES brother PRON.3SF PRT come.NONFIN down tonight |
| | be.V.3S.PRES brother.N.M.SG she.PRON.F.3S PRT come.V.INFIN down.ADV tonight.ADV |
| | her brother is coming down tonight. |
225 | LIS | +< ohCE falle bydd hi (y)n dod i Cheshire_OaksCE (gy)da ni . |
| | IM perhaps be.3S.FUT PRON.3SF PRT come.NONFIN to Cheshire_Oaks with PRON.1PL |
| | oh.IM maybe.ADV be.V.3S.FUT she.PRON.F.3S PRT come.V.INFIN to.PREP name with.PREP we.PRON.1P |
| | oh, maybe she'll be coming to Cheshire Oaks with us. |
307 | LIS | o'n i (y)n meddwl dylen nhw dod +.. . |
| | be.1S.IMP PRON.1S PRT think.NONFIN should.3PL.CONDIT PRON.3PL come.NONFIN |
| | be.V.1S.IMPERF I.PRON.1S PRT think.V.INFIN ought_to.V.3P.IMPERF they.PRON.3P come.V.INFIN |
| | I thought they should come ... |
339 | LIS | +< <mynd lawr> [//] mynd draw am justCE penwythnos justCE siopa a wedyn dod nôl . |
| | go.NONFIN down go.NONFIN over for just weekend just shop.NONFIN and then come.NONFIN back |
| | go.V.INFIN down.ADV go.V.INFIN yonder.ADV for.PREP just.ADV weekend.N.M.SG just.ADV.[or].just.ADJ shop.V.2S.IMPER.[or].shop.V.3S.PRES.[or].shop.V.INFIN and.CONJ afterwards.ADV come.V.INFIN fetch.V.INFIN |
| | go down for just a weekend and just shop and then come back. |
496 | LIS | fel hanner y filmCE sy (y)n dod mas nowadaysE . |
| | like half DET film be.PRES.REL PRT come.NONFIN out nowadays |
| | like.CONJ half.N.M.SG the.DET.DEF film.N.SG be.V.3S.PRES.REL PRT come.V.INFIN bass.ADJ+NM.[or].shallow.ADJ+NM nowadays.ADV |
| | like half the films that come out nowadays. |
611 | MAB | <oedd o (y)n dod> [///] oedd y scrollCE (we)di gael ei rhoi mewn ryw fath o tubeCE felly . |
| | be.3S.IMP PRON.3SM PRT come.NONFIN be.3S.IMP DET scroll PRT.PAST get.NONFIN POSS.3S put.NONFIN in some kind of tube thus |
| | be.V.3S.IMPERF he.PRON.M.3S PRT come.V.INFIN be.V.3S.IMPERF the.DET.DEF scroll.N.SG after.PREP get.V.INFIN+SM his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S give.V.INFIN in.PREP some.PREQ+SM type.N.F.SG+SM of.PREP tube.N.SG so.ADV |
| | the scroll had been put in some kind of tube. |
825 | LIS | a wedyn mewn tua # tair wythnos ni mynd i fynd ar hwnnw &hev [//] eto [//] unwaith eto # a gweld fel os mae fel # amserau ni (we)di dod lawr mwy . |
| | and after in about three.F week PRON.1PL go.NONFIN PRT go.NONFIN on that_one again once again and see.NONFIN like if be.3S.PRES like times PRON.1PL PRT.PASTcome.NONFIN down more |
| | and.CONJ afterwards.ADV in.PREP towards.PREP three.NUM.F week.N.F.SG we.PRON.1P go.V.INFIN to.PREP go.V.INFIN+SM on.PREP that.PRON.DEM.M.SG again.ADV once.ADV again.ADV and.CONJ see.V.INFIN like.CONJ if.CONJ be.V.3S.PRES like.CONJ times.N.M.PL we.PRON.1P after.PREP come.V.INFIN down.ADV more.ADJ.COMP |
| | and then in about three weeks, we're going to go on it once more, and see like if our times have come down more. |
927 | LIS | mae eisie ti dod lawr i (y)r De a pigo lan acen ni . |
| | be.3S.PRES want PRON.2S come.NONFIN down to DET South and pick.NONFIN up accent PRON.1PL |
| | be.V.3S.PRES unk you.PRON.2S come.V.INFIN down.ADV to.PREP the.DET.DEF South.N.M.SG and.CONJ pick.V.INFIN shore.N.F.SG+SM accent.N.F.SG we.PRON.1P |
| | you need to come down to the South and pick up our accent. |
1142 | MAB | dw i (ddi)m yn sureCE pwy arall sy (y)n dod . |
| | be.1S.PRES PRON.1S NEG PRT sure who other be.PRES.REL PRT come.NONFIN |
| | be.V.1S.PRES I.PRON.1S not.ADV+SM PRT sure.ADJ who.PRON other.ADJ be.V.3S.PRES.REL PRT come.V.INFIN |
| | I'm not sure who else is coming. |
1154 | LIS | a wedyn mae fe dod nôl fan hyn am trydydd flwyddyn fo . |
| | and after be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM come.NONFIN back place here for third year PRON.3SM |
| | and.CONJ afterwards.ADV be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S come.V.INFIN fetch.V.INFIN place.N.MF.SG+SM this.ADJ.DEM.SP for.PREP third.ORD.M year.N.F.SG+SM he.PRON.M.3S |
| | and then he comes back here for his third year. |
1163 | LIS | mae fo (y)n dod # nos fory i_lawr . |
| | be.3S.PRES PRON.3SM PRT come.NONFIN night tomorrow down |
| | be.V.3S.PRES he.PRON.M.3S PRT come.V.INFIN night.N.F.SG tomorrow.ADV down.ADV |
| | he's coming down tomorrow night. |