58 | ART | [- eng] in about an hour . |
| | in about an hour |
| | in.PREP about.PREP an.DET.INDEF hour.N.SG |
| | in about an hour |
756 | ART | [- eng] we're going in ten [//] quarter of an hour . |
| | we''re going in ten quarter of an hour |
| | we.PRON.SUB.1P+BE.V.PRES go.V.PRESPART in.PREP ten.NUM quart.N.SG+COMP.AG.[or].quarter.N.SG of.PREP an.DET.INDEF hour.N.SG |
| | we're going in ten...quarter of an hour |
758 | GRG | mamCE saidE halfE anE hourE . |
| | mum said half an hour |
| | mam.N.SG said.AV.PAST+P half.N.SG an.DET.INDEF hour.N.SG |
| | mum said half an hour |