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Siarad, roberts2: 'fashion'

768IONwsti ryw pethau hen fashionCE fath รข # xx codi un ochr i dy glust a [/] # ac xx +/ .
  know.2S some things old fashion kind with raise.NONFIN one side to POSS.2S ear and and
  know.V.2S.PRES some.PREQ+SM things.N.M.PL old.ADJ fashion.N.SG type.N.F.SG+SM as.CONJ lift.V.INFIN one.NUM side.N.F.SG to.PREP your.ADJ.POSS.2S ear.N.MF.SG+SM and.CONJ and.CONJ
  you know, some old-fashioned things like [...] put one side to your ear and...and [...] ...