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Siarad, smith1: DEW word frequency

Words with language tag: cym (1780)

i (to.PREP) [58], mae (be.V.3S.PRES) [51], yn (PRT) [50], ti (you.PRON.2S) [48], yna (there.ADV) [46], chdi (you.PRON.2S) [40], ia (yes.ADV) [34], o (he.PRON.M.3S) [30], be (what.INT) [29], ni (we.PRON.1P) [28], wedi (after.PREP) [27], yma (here.ADV) [26], ydy (be.V.3S.PRES) [24], yndy (be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH) [23], am (for.PREP) [22], ddim (not.ADV+SM) [22], mynd (go.V.INFIN) [22], nhw (they.PRON.3P) [22], basai (be.V.3S.PLUPERF) [20], isio (want.N.M.SG) [20], y (the.DET.DEF) [19], i (I.PRON.1S) [18], dw (be.V.1S.PRES) [15], fan (place.N.MF.SG+SM) [15], fo (he.PRON.M.3S) [15], na (no.ADV) [14], oedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF) [13], wneud (make.V.INFIN+SM) [13], chi (you.PRON.2P) [12], dda (good.ADJ+SM) [12], di (you.PRON.2S+SM) [12], hefyd (also.ADV) [12], hwnna (that.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [12], o (of.PREP) [12], ar (on.PREP) [11], faint (size.N.M.SG+SM) [11], gael (get.V.INFIN+SM) [11], yn (PRT.[or].in.PREP) [11], arall (other.ADJ) [10], bod (be.V.INFIN) [10], felly (so.ADV) [10], nag (than.CONJ) [10], sy (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [10], yn (in.PREP) [10], bysai (finger.V.3S.IMPERF) [9], fel (like.CONJ) [9], meddwl (think.V.INFIN) [9], rywbeth (something.N.M.SG+SM) [9], siarad (talk.V.INFIN) [9], un (one.NUM) [9], wan (weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM) [9], a (and.CONJ) [8], do (yes.ADV.PAST) [8], dydd (day.N.M.SG) [8], hanner (half.N.M.SG) [8], oes (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF) [8], weld (see.V.INFIN+SM) [8], awn (go.V.1P.PRES) [7], blino (tire.V.INFIN) [7], ella (maybe.ADV) [7], gei (get.V.2S.PRES+SM) [7], gwybod (know.V.INFIN) [7], hi (she.PRON.F.3S) [7], hynna (that.PRON.DEM.SP) [7], lle (where.INT) [7], raid (necessity.N.M.SG+SM) [7], wedyn (afterwards.ADV) [7], yr (the.DET.DEF) [7], da (good.ADJ) [6], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM) [6], dod (come.V.INFIN) [6], dy (your.ADJ.POSS.2S) [6], efo (with.PREP) [6], ennill (win.V.INFIN) [6], fi (I.PRON.1S+SM) [6], iawn (OK.ADV) [6], pethau (things.N.M.PL) [6], pwy (who.PRON) [6], ta (be.IM) [6], adre (home.ADV) [5], amser (time.N.M.SG) [5], awr (hour.N.F.SG) [5], does (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.NEG) [5], dydy (be.V.3S.PRES.NEG) [5], fynd (go.V.INFIN+SM) [5], ie (yes.ADV) [5], munud (minute.N.M.SG) [5], na ((n)or.CONJ) [5], wnaeth (do.V.3S.PAST+SM) [5], wneith (do.V.3S.FUT+SM) [5], â (with.PREP) [4], cael (get.V.INFIN) [4], da (be.IM+SM) [4], dyna (that_is.ADV) [4], flwyddyn (year.N.F.SG+SM) [4], fyddwch (be.V.2P.FUT+SM) [4], gest (get.V.2S.PAST+SM) [4], gloch (bell.N.F.SG+SM) [4], heddiw (today.ADV) [4], neithiwr (last_night.ADV) [4], os (if.CONJ) [4], rhein (these.PRON) [4], rywun (someone.N.M.SG+SM) [4], trwy (through.PREP) [4], bach (small.ADJ) [3], basio (pass.V.INFIN+SM) [3], bobl (people.N.F.SG+SM) [3], bore (morning.N.M.SG) [3], chwaith (neither.ADV) [3], chwarae (game.N.M.SG) [3], chwarae (play.V.INFIN) [3], dach (be.V.2P.PRES) [3], dan (be.V.1P.PRES) [3], dau (two.NUM.M) [3], ddeud (say.V.INFIN+SM) [3], ddim_byd (nothing.ADV+SM) [3], deg (ten.NUM) [3], Dolig (Christmas.N.M.SG) [3], dŵad (come.V.INFIN) [3], gallu (be_able.V.INFIN) [3], gawn (get.V.1P.PRES+SM) [3], glaw (rain.N.M.SG) [3], gweithio (work.V.INFIN) [3], Gwener (Friday.N.F.SG) [3], gyd (joint.ADJ+SM) [3], gynnyn (unk) [3], licio (like.V.INFIN) [3], mawr (big.ADJ) [3], neu (or.CONJ) [3], oedda (be.V.2S.IMPERF) [3], o'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF) [3], pa (which.ADJ) [3], pawb (everyone.PRON) [3], rheina (those.PRON) [3], Sadwrn (Saturday.N.M.SG) [3], taid (grandfather.N.M.SG) [3], tri (three.NUM.M) [3], wsnos (week.N.F.SG) [3], wyt (be.V.2S.PRES) [3], ac (and.CONJ) [2], allan (out.ADV) [2], anodd (difficult.ADJ) [2], arglwydd (lord.N.M.SG) [2], arna (on_me.PREP+PRON.1S) [2], ar_ôl (after.PREP) [2], at (to.PREP) [2], baned (cupful.N.M.SG+SM) [2], basa (be.V.1S.PLUPERF) [2], baset (be.V.2S.PLUPERF) [2], baswn (be.V.1S.PLUPERF) [2], bechod (how_sad.IM.[or].sin.N.M.SG+SM) [2], bethau (things.N.M.PL+SM) [2], bob_dim (everything.PRON.[or].everything.N.M.SG+SM) [2], bwrw (strike.V.INFIN) [2], byset (finger.V.2S.IMPERF) [2], cae (field.N.M.SG) [2], cario (carry.V.INFIN) [2], chwilio (search.V.INFIN) [2], coed (trees.N.F.PL) [2], cofio (remember.V.INFIN) [2], coleg (college.N.M.SG) [2], colli (lose.V.INFIN) [2], costio (cost.V.INFIN) [2], Cymru (Wales.N.F.SG.PLACE) [2], dallt (understand.V.INFIN) [2], ddechrau (begin.V.INFIN+SM) [2], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM) [2], ddydd (day.N.M.SG+SM) [2], dechrau (begin.V.INFIN) [2], del (pretty.ADJ) [2], dipyn (little_bit.N.M.SG+SM) [2], diwedd (end.N.M.SG) [2], do (come.V.1S.PRES.[or].yes.ADV.PAST.[or].roof.N.M.SG+SM) [2], dro (turn.N.M.SG+SM) [2], dysgu (teach.V.INFIN) [2], ei (his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S) [2], enw (name.N.M.SG) [2], feddwl (think.V.INFIN+SM) [2], fedra (be_able.V.1S.PRES+SM) [2], fflio (unk) [2], funud (minute.N.M.SG+SM) [2], fwyta (eat.V.INFIN+SM) [2], fydda (be.V.1S.FUT+SM) [2], fyw (live.V.INFIN+SM) [2], gaddo (promise.V.INFIN) [2], gobeithio (hope.V.INFIN) [2], gorau (best.ADJ.SUP) [2], gorod (have_to.V.INFIN) [2], gweld (see.V.INFIN) [2], gynno (with_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [2], gynnon (with_us.PREP+PRON.1P) [2], gynta (first.ORD+SM) [2], hwn (this.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [2], hyn (this.ADJ.DEM.SP) [2], iaith (language.N.F.SG) [2], iddo (to_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [2], lawr (down.ADV.[or].floor.N.M.SG+SM) [2], lwcus (lucky.ADJ) [2], nesa (next.ADJ.SUP) [2], o (he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP) [2], oeddachd (unk) [2], oriau (hours.N.F.PL) [2], paned (cupful.N.M.SG) [2], pobl (people.N.F.SG) [2], rhaid (necessity.N.M.SG) [2], rhyfedd (strange.ADJ) [2], ryw (some.PREQ+SM) [2], sti (you_know.IM) [2], syportio (unk) [2], traenio (drain.V.INFIN) [2], tro (turn.N.M.SG.[or].turn.V.2S.IMPER) [2], tua (towards.PREP) [2], ugain (twenty.NUM) [2], waeth (worse.ADJ.COMP+SM) [2], watsia (unk) [2], wely (bed.N.M.SG+SM) [2], wnei (do.V.2S.PRES+SM) [2], wnest (do.V.2S.PAST+SM) [2], wrth (by.PREP) [2], wyliau (holidays.N.F.PL+SM) [2], ymlaen (forward.ADV) [2], â (as.CONJ) [1], acw (over there.ADV) [1], anghofio (forget.V.INFIN) [1], anifeiliaid (animals.N.M.PL) [1], arfer (habit.N.M.SG) [1], arholiad (examination.N.M.SG) [1], arnan (unk) [1], aros (wait.V.INFIN) [1], barod (ready.ADJ+SM) [1], basen (be.V.1P.PLUPERF) [1], bêl_droed (football.N.F.SG+SM) [1], bell (far.ADJ+SM) [1], ben (head.N.M.SG+SM) [1], beth (what.INT) [1], biau (own.V.INFIN+SM) [1], blaen (front.N.M.SG.[or].plain.ADJ+SM) [1], bob (each.PREQ+SM) [1], boced (pocket.N.F.SG+SM) [1], braf (fine.ADJ) [1], bryd (when.INT+SM) [1], brynu (buy.V.INFIN+SM) [1], brysur (busy.ADJ+SM) [1], bunnau (pounds.N.F.PL+SM) [1], bunt (pound.N.F.SG+SM.[or].pound.N.F.SG+SM) [1], bwyd (food.N.M.SG) [1], bydd (be.V.3S.FUT) [1], byrddau (tables.N.M.PL) [1], byth (never.ADV) [1], cadw (keep.V.INFIN) [1], caniatâd (permission.N.M.SG) [1], cau (close.V.INFIN) [1], cawn (get.V.1S.IMPERF.[or].get.V.1P.PRES) [1], ceffylau (horses.N.M.PL) [1], cefnogi (support.V.INFIN) [1], cei (quay.N.M.SG.[or].get.V.2S.PRES) [1], celwyddau (lie.N.M.PL) [1], cerdd (music.N.F.SG) [1], chwaraewr (player.N.M.SG) [1], chwarter (quarter.N.M.SG) [1], chwerthin (laugh.V.INFIN) [1], codi (lift.V.INFIN) [1], coginio (cook.V.INFIN) [1], crefu (implore.V.INFIN) [1], cŵn (dogs.N.M.PL) [1], cwpan (cup.N.MF.SG) [1], Cymraeg (Welsh.N.F.SG) [1], cyn_gymaint (unk) [1], cyrraedd (arrive.V.INFIN) [1], cywilydd (shame.N.M.SG) [1], dafad (sheep.N.F.SG) [1], dal (continue.V.INFIN) [1], darfod (expire.V.INFIN) [1], ddarllen (read.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ddiwrnod (day.N.M.SG+SM) [1], ddrud (expensive.ADJ+SM) [1], ddu (black.ADJ+SM) [1], ddysgu (teach.V.INFIN+SM) [1], de (south.N.M.SG.[or].right.N.M.SG) [1], de (be.IM+SM) [1], deud (say.V.INFIN) [1], dibynnu (depend.V.INFIN) [1], digon (enough.QUAN) [1], dim_byd (nothing.ADV) [1], diolch (thanks.N.M.SG) [1], diwrnod (day.N.M.SG) [1], dre (town.N.F.SG+SM) [1], droeo (unk) [1], drosto (over_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S+SM) [1], drud (expensive.ADJ) [1], Duw (name) [1], dwy (two.NUM.F) [1], dynnu (draw.V.INFIN+SM) [1], dyro (give.V.2S.IMPER) [1], dywyll (dark.ADJ+SM) [1], eich (your.ADJ.POSS.2P) [1], eistedd (sit.V.INFIN) [1], ers_talwm (for_some_time.ADV) [1], eto (again.ADV) [1], falu (grind.V.INFIN+SM) [1], farciau (marks.N.M.PL+SM) [1], fath (type.N.F.SG+SM) [1], fawr (big.ADJ+SM) [1], ffonio (phone.V.INFIN) [1], fod (be.V.INFIN+SM) [1], fodd (pleasure.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fory (tomorrow.ADV) [1], fwyd (food.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fydd (be.V.3S.FUT+SM) [1], fyddan (be.V.3P.FUT+SM) [1], gad (leave.V.2S.IMPER) [1], gadael (leave.V.INFIN) [1], gaea (winter.N.M.SG) [1], gaeth (get.V.3S.PAST+SM) [1], gaethoch (get.V.3P.PAST+SM) [1], gario (carry.V.INFIN+SM) [1], gefnogi (support.V.INFIN+SM) [1], geg (mouth.N.F.SG+SM) [1], geith (get.V.3S.PRES+SM) [1], ginio (dinner.N.M.SG+SM) [1], gofyn (ask.V.INFIN) [1], golchi (wash.V.INFIN) [1], golli (lose.V.INFIN+SM) [1], golwg (view.N.F.SG) [1], gorau (best.ADJ.SUP.[or].choirs.N.M.PL+SM) [1], grantiau (grants.N.MF.SG) [1], gwaith (work.N.M.SG) [1], gwatsio (unk) [1], gwely (bed.N.M.SG) [1], gwisgo (dress.V.INFIN) [1], gwrando (listen.V.INFIN) [1], gychwyn (start.V.INFIN+SM) [1], Gymraeg (Welsh.N.F.SG+SM) [1], Gymro (Welsh_person.N.M.SG+SM) [1], gynna (with_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) [1], gynnau (light.V.INFIN+SM) [1], gynnig (offer.V.INFIN+SM) [1], gyrru (drive.V.INFIN) [1], heb (without.PREP) [1], hel (collect.V.INFIN) [1], hen (old.ADJ) [1], honna (that.PRON.DEM.F.SG.[or].claim.V.2S.IMPER.[or].claim.V.3S.PRES) [1], hwnna (that.ADJ.DEM.M.SG) [1], hwyr (late.ADJ) [1], hyll (ugly.ADJ) [1], iawn (very.ADV) [1], i_fewn (in.PREP) [1], i_fyny (up.ADV) [1], i_mewn (in.ADV.[or].in.PREP) [1], iwsio (use.V.INFIN) [1], Lerpwl (name) [1], llawn (full.ADJ) [1], lle (where.INT.[or].place.N.M.SG) [1], lle (place.N.M.SG) [1], lôn (unk) [1], meddai (say.V.3S.IMPERF) [1], mewn (in.PREP) [1], mil (thousand.N.F.SG) [1], mwydro (bewilder.V.INFIN) [1], na (no.ADV.[or].PRT.NEG.[or].who_not.PRON.REL.NEG.[or].(n)or.CONJ.[or].than.CONJ) [1], na (than.CONJ) [1], na (PRT.NEG) [1], naci (no.ADV) [1], nad (who_not.PRON.REL.NEG) [1], nesa (next.ADJ.SUP.[or].approach.V.2S.IMPER.[or].approach.V.3S.PRES) [1], newyddion (news.N.M.PL) [1], nôl (fetch.V.INFIN) [1], nôl (back.ADV.[or].fetch.V.INFIN) [1], nos (night.N.F.SG) [1], o (from.PREP) [1], oedden (be.V.1P.IMPERF) [1], ofyn (ask.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ôl (rear.ADJ) [1], paid (stop.V.2S.IMPER) [1], pam (why?.ADV) [1], pan (when.CONJ) [1], pedwar (four.NUM.M) [1], petasa (unk) [1], petasen (unk) [1], pigo (pick.V.INFIN) [1], pnawn (afternoon.N.M.SG) [1], prynu (buy.V.INFIN) [1], pwmp (pump.N.M.SG) [1], rei (some.PRON+SM) [1], rhaglen (programme.N.F.SG) [1], rhatach (cheap.ADJ.COMP) [1], rocio (unk) [1], rŵan (now.ADV) [1], ry (too.ADJ+SM) [1], safio (save.V.INFIN) [1], saith (seven.NUM) [1], salwch (illness.N.M.SG) [1], sbïa (look.V.2S.IMPER) [1], sgwn (unk) [1], sioe (show.N.F.SG) [1], sôn (mention.V.INFIN) [1], stopio (stop.V.INFIN) [1], Sul (Sunday.N.M.SG) [1], sut (how.INT) [1], syrfio (unk) [1], tair (three.NUM.F) [1], tan (until.PREP) [1], te (tea.N.M.SG) [1], timod (know.V.2S.PRES) [1], trio (try.V.INFIN) [1], tu (side.N.M.SG) [1], tynnu (draw.V.INFIN) [1], un_ar_ddeg (eleven.NUM) [1], wahanol (different.ADJ+SM) [1], weithiau (times.N.F.PL+SM) [1], weithio (work.V.INFIN+SM) [1], well (better.ADJ.COMP+SM) [1], wn (know.V.1S.PRES+SM) [1], wna (do.V.1S.PRES+SM) [1], wnes (do.V.1S.PAST+SM) [1], wnewch (do.V.2P.PRES+SM) [1], wraig (wife.N.F.SG+SM) [1], wrtha (to_me.PREP+PRON.1S) [1], ydw (be.V.1S.PRES) [1], ydyn (be.V.3P.PRES) [1], ym (in.PREP) [1], ymyl (edge.N.F.SG) [1], yndach (be.V.2P.PRES.EMPH) [1], yndan (be.V.1P.PRES.EMPH) [1], yndw (be.V.1S.PRES.EMPH) [1], yno (there.ADV) [1], yn_ôl (back.ADV) [1],

Words with language tag: cym&eng (297)

yeah (yeah.ADV) [88], oh (oh.IM) [35], eh (eh.IM) [20], er (er.IM) [13], sure (sure.ADJ) [10], so (so.ADV) [8], nice (nice.ADJ) [5], well (well.ADV) [5], break (break.SV.INFIN) [4], lot (lot.N.SG) [4], um (um.IM) [4], Bangor (name) [3], bus (bus.N.SG.[or].pus.N.SG+SM) [3], car (car.N.SG) [3], aerial (aerial.ADJ) [2], Big_Brother (name) [2], bloody (bloody.ADJ) [2], Bulgaria (name) [2], caravan (caravan.N.SG) [2], Emily (name) [2], game (game.N.SG.[or].came.AV.PAST+SM) [2], Glanaethwy (name) [2], mam (mam.N.SG) [2], Pete (name) [2], round (round.ADJ) [2], rugby (rugby.N.SG) [2], team (team.N.SG) [2], Uned_pump (name) [2], Will (name) [2], actor (actor.N.SG) [1], ah (ah.IM) [1], antenna (antenna.N.SG) [1], bag (bag.N.SG) [1], barty (party.N.SG+SM) [1], Bellamy (name) [1], bet (bet.N.SG.[or].pet.N.SG+SM) [1], bike (pike.N.SG+SM) [1], biro (unk) [1], boy (boy.N.SG) [1], break (break.N.SG) [1], chance (chance.N.SG) [1], chips (chip.N.SG+PL) [1], Clwb_Pêl_droed (name) [1], Cwmbrân (name) [1], Dafydd (name) [1], Dipyn_o_Stad (name) [1], draffic (traffic.N.SG+SM) [1], Eddie (name) [1], Europe (name) [1], exams (exam.N.SG+PL) [1], extra (extra.ADJ) [1], Faenol (name) [1], Felin (name) [1], garavan (caravan.N.SG+SM) [1], glear (clear.ADJ+SM) [1], Glyn (name) [1], goal (goal.N.SG.[or].coal.N.SG+SM) [1], gogs (cog.N.SG+SM+PL) [1], handy (handy.ADJ) [1], help (help.SV.INFIN) [1], horses (horses.N.PL) [1], Ian (name) [1], ice_cream (unk) [1], idea (idea.N.SG) [1], jet (jet.N.SG) [1], job (job.N.SG) [1], just (just.ADV) [1], luck (luck.N.SG) [1], Man_U (name) [1], matter (matter.N.SG) [1], mic (unk) [1], mmm (mmm.IM) [1], phone (phone.N.SG) [1], prop (prop.SV.INFIN) [1], railway (railway.N.SG) [1], right (right.ADJ) [1], roll (roll.SV.INFIN) [1], Rownd_a_Rownd (name) [1], Salford (name) [1], shop (shop.N.SG) [1], short (short.ADJ) [1], shy (shy.ADJ) [1], stupid (stupid.ADJ) [1], toilet (toilet.N.SG) [1], Tourettes (name) [1], toys (toy.N.SG+PL) [1], track (track.N.SG) [1], Urdd (name) [1], very (very.ADV) [1], wireless (wireless.N.SG) [1], wrong (wrong.ADJ) [1],

Words with language tag: eng (75)

we (we.PRON.SUB.1P) [5], you (you.PRON.SUB.2SP) [4], are (are.V.123P.PRES) [3], bad (bad.ADJ) [3], Menai_Bridge (name) [3], Builth (name) [2], good (good.ADJ) [2], a (a.DET.INDEF) [1], after (after.PREP) [1], again (again.ADV) [1], anyway (anyway.ADV) [1], call (call.SV.INFIN) [1], close (close.V.INFIN) [1], definitely (definite.ADJ+ADV.[or].definitely.ADV) [1], do (do.V.INFIN) [1], down (down.PREP) [1], get (get.V.1P.PRES) [1], going (go.V.PRESPART) [1], gone (gone.V.PAST) [1], got (got.V.PAST) [1], hell (hell.N.SG) [1], here (here.ADV) [1], how (how.ADV) [1], is (is.V.3S.PRES) [1], it (it.PRON.OBJ.3S) [1], it's (it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES) [1], know (know.V.2SP.PRES) [1], lag (lag.SV.INFIN) [1], Lerpwl (name) [1], long (long.ADJ) [1], lovely (love.SV.INFIN+ADV) [1], mid (mid.ADJ) [1], more (more.ADJ) [1], much (much.ADJ) [1], not (not.ADV) [1], now (now.ADV) [1], on (on.PREP) [1], or (or.CONJ) [1], paid (paid.AV.PAST) [1], people (people.N.SG) [1], ring (unk) [1], send (send.V.1P.PRES) [1], send (send.V.INFIN) [1], shire (shire.N.SG) [1], sit (sit.SV.INFIN) [1], sittings (unk) [1], some (some.ADJ) [1], subject (subject.N.SG) [1], Tenby (name) [1], thank (thank.V.INFIN) [1], that's (that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES) [1], time's (time.N.SG+GB) [1], to (to.PREP) [1], today (today.N.SG) [1], university (university.N.SG) [1], Wales (name) [1], we'll (we.PRON.SUB.1P+BE.V.FUT) [1], well (well.ADV) [1], who (who.REL) [1], win (win.V.INFIN) [1],