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Siarad, stammers9: ENF word frequency

Words with language tag: cym (2448)

yn (PRT) [107], ia (yes.ADV) [83], y (the.DET.DEF) [75], mae (be.V.3S.PRES) [67], i (to.PREP) [65], i (I.PRON.1S) [63], yr (the.DET.DEF) [62], a (and.CONJ) [53], o (he.PRON.M.3S) [46], oedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF) [45], wedi (after.PREP) [45], dw (be.V.1S.PRES) [44], yn (PRT.[or].in.PREP) [32], ddim (not.ADV+SM) [30], yna (there.ADV) [30], mynd (go.V.INFIN) [29], deud (say.V.INFIN) [28], ond (but.CONJ) [28], gwir (truth.N.M.SG) [25], o (of.PREP) [25], yn_de (isn't_it.IM) [25], yndy (be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH) [25], ti (you.PRON.2S) [24], nhw (they.PRON.3P) [22], yn (in.PREP) [20], fydd (be.V.3S.FUT+SM) [19], bod (be.V.INFIN) [18], meddwl (think.V.INFIN) [18], mi (PRT.AFF) [18], am (for.PREP) [17], de (be.IM+SM) [17], ar (on.PREP) [16], ni (we.PRON.1P) [16], ac (and.CONJ) [13], hi (she.PRON.F.3S) [13], ei (his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S) [12], felly (so.ADV) [12], fynd (go.V.INFIN+SM) [12], gan (with.PREP) [12], hoffi (like.V.INFIN) [12], ydy (be.V.3S.PRES) [12], yn_dydy (be.V.3S.PRES.TAG) [12], cael (get.V.INFIN) [11], isio (want.N.M.SG) [11], gobeithio (hope.V.INFIN) [9], hefyd (also.ADV) [9], hen (old.ADJ) [9], hynny (that.PRON.DEM.SP) [9], neu (or.CONJ) [9], oes (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF) [9], wnes (do.V.1S.PAST+SM) [9], achos (because.CONJ) [8], be (what.INT) [8], fo (he.PRON.M.3S) [8], gweld (see.V.INFIN) [8], rŵan (now.ADV) [8], weld (see.V.INFIN+SM) [8], bydd (be.V.3S.FUT) [7], darllen (read.V.INFIN) [7], dipyn (little_bit.N.M.SG+SM) [7], do (yes.ADV.PAST) [7], gwneud (make.V.INFIN) [7], rei (some.PRON+SM) [7], ryw (some.PREQ+SM) [7], un (one.NUM) [7], wedyn (afterwards.ADV) [7], yma (here.ADV) [7], dda (good.ADJ+SM) [6], doedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF.NEG) [6], dŵad (come.V.INFIN) [6], dydy (be.V.3S.PRES.NEG) [6], fwynhau (enjoy.V.INFIN+SM) [6], yn_bydd (unk) [6], yn_doedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF.TAG) [6], baswn (be.V.1S.PLUPERF) [5], braf (fine.ADJ) [5], chwaith (neither.ADV) [5], cofio (remember.V.INFIN) [5], dan (be.V.1P.PRES) [5], ddarllen (read.V.INFIN+SM) [5], dydd (day.N.M.SG) [5], er (er.IM) [5], fyswn (finger.V.1S.IMPERF+SM) [5], gynna (with_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) [5], hanes (story.N.M.SG) [5], hwnnw (that.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [5], llyfr (book.N.M.SG) [5], nag (than.CONJ) [5], o (he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP) [5], os (if.CONJ) [5], Sul (Sunday.N.M.SG) [5], wyt (be.V.2S.PRES) [5], wythnos (week.N.F.SG) [5], â (as.CONJ.[or].with.PREP.[or].go.V.3S.PRES) [4], allan (out.ADV) [4], arno (on_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [4], bach (small.ADJ) [4], bore (morning.N.M.SG) [4], ci (dog.N.M.SG) [4], diddorol (interesting.ADJ) [4], does (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.NEG) [4], efallai (perhaps.CONJ) [4], faswn (be.V.1S.PLUPERF+SM) [4], feddwl (think.V.INFIN+SM) [4], gerdded (walk.V.INFIN+SM) [4], gwanwyn (spring.N.M.SG) [4], gwybod (know.V.INFIN) [4], gymaint (so much.ADJ+SM) [4], iawn (very.ADV) [4], i_gyd (all.ADJ) [4], i_lawr (down.ADV) [4], llawer (many.QUAN) [4], llyfrau (books.N.M.PL) [4], medru (be_able.V.INFIN) [4], mwy (more.ADJ.COMP) [4], nesa (next.ADJ.SUP) [4], nos (night.N.F.SG) [4], oedden (be.V.3P.IMPERF) [4], ohonyn (from_them.PREP+PRON.3P) [4], pumdegau (fifties.N.M.SG) [4], raid (necessity.N.M.SG+SM) [4], sgwennu (write.V.INFIN) [4], wneud (make.V.INFIN+SM) [4], yno (there.ADV) [4], yn_tydy (unk) [4], adeg (time.N.F.SG) [3], ailddarllen (reread.V.INFIN) [3], arall (other.ADJ) [3], arbennig (special.ADJ) [3], awydd (desire.N.M.SG) [3], bobl (people.N.F.SG+SM) [3], cant (hundred.N.M.SG) [3], cerdded (walk.V.INFIN) [3], ddau (two.NUM.M+SM) [3], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM) [3], ddim_byd (nothing.ADV+SM) [3], di (you.PRON.2S+SM) [3], dim (nothing.N.M.SG.[or].not.ADV) [3], dynnu (draw.V.INFIN+SM) [3], edrych (look.V.INFIN) [3], efo (with.PREP) [3], eitha (fairly.ADV) [3], enw (name.N.M.SG) [3], erbyn (by.PREP) [3], fawr (big.ADJ+SM) [3], ffordd (way.N.F.SG) [3], glaw (rain.N.M.SG) [3], gwrando (listen.V.INFIN) [3], gyfeiriad (direction.N.M.SG+SM) [3], Gymraeg (Welsh.N.F.SG+SM) [3], heddiw (today.ADV) [3], hwnna (that.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [3], hynny (that.ADJ.DEM.SP) [3], i (I.PRON.1S.[or].to.PREP) [3], i_fyny (up.ADV) [3], lawnt (unk) [3], llun (picture.N.M.SG) [3], lyfr (book.N.M.SG+SM) [3], neithiwr (last_night.ADV) [3], o'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF) [3], pa (which.ADJ) [3], w (ooh.IM) [3], well (better.ADJ.COMP+SM) [3], y (that.PRON.REL) [3], yn_does (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.TAG) [3], yndyn (be.V.3P.PRES.EMPH) [3], amser (time.N.M.SG) [2], aros (wait.V.INFIN) [2], at (to.PREP) [2], beth (thing.N.M.SG+SM) [2], blodau (flowers.N.M.PL) [2], bron (breast.N.F.SG.[or].almost.ADV) [2], bryd (when.INT+SM) [2], brynu (buy.V.INFIN+SM) [2], brysur (busy.ADJ+SM) [2], bynnag (-ever.ADJ) [2], cadw (keep.V.INFIN) [2], canu (sing.V.INFIN) [2], chwedegau (sixties.N.M.PL) [2], cymreig (unk) [2], da (good.ADJ) [2], ddarlith (lecture.N.F.SG+SM) [2], ddwy (two.NUM.F+SM) [2], diddordeb (interest.N.M.SG) [2], do (come.V.1S.PRES.[or].yes.ADV.PAST.[or].roof.N.M.SG+SM) [2], dod (come.V.INFIN) [2], doeddwn (be.V.1S.IMPERF.NEG) [2], dre (town.N.F.SG+SM) [2], du (black.ADJ.[or].side.N.M.SG+SM) [2], dweud (say.V.INFIN) [2], dy (your.ADJ.POSS.2S) [2], (house.N.M.SG+SM) [2], dydw (be.V.1S.PRES.NEG) [2], dyna (that_is.ADV) [2], eglwys (church.N.F.SG) [2], eglwysi (churches.N.F.PL) [2], ei (her.ADJ.POSS.F.3S) [2], ein (our.ADJ.POSS.1P) [2], ers (since.PREP) [2], faint (size.N.M.SG+SM) [2], falle (maybe.ADV) [2], fan (place.N.MF.SG+SM) [2], fedra (be_able.V.1S.PRES+SM) [2], fedrwn (be_able.V.1S.IMPERF+SM.[or].be_able.V.1P.PRES+SM) [2], fel (like.CONJ) [2], ffrind (friend.N.M.SG) [2], fod (be.V.INFIN+SM) [2], fras (fat.ADJ+SM.[or].rough.ADJ+SM) [2], fuan (soon.ADJ+SM) [2], fwy (more.ADJ.COMP+SM) [2], fwya (biggest.ADJ.SUP+SM) [2], gadael (leave.V.INFIN) [2], gaddo (promise.V.INFIN) [2], gael (get.V.INFIN+SM) [2], gardotwyr (unk) [2], gawn (get.V.1P.PRES+SM) [2], gegin (kitchen.N.F.SG+SM) [2], giât (gate.N.F.SG) [2], golwg (view.N.F.SG) [2], gôr (choir.N.M.SG+SM) [2], gorau (best.ADJ.SUP.[or].choirs.N.M.PL+SM) [2], gwaith (time.N.F.SG.[or].work.N.M.SG) [2], Gwener (Friday.N.F.SG) [2], gwerthu (sell.V.INFIN) [2], gwyn (white.ADJ.M.[or].complaint.N.MF.SG+SM) [2], hanner (half.N.M.SG) [2], haul (sun.N.M.SG) [2], hollol (completely.ADJ) [2], hunangofiant (autobiography.N.M.SG) [2], iawn (OK.ADV) [2], le (place.N.M.SG+SM) [2], licio (like.V.INFIN) [2], Llandrillo_yn_Rhos (name) [2], Llun (Monday.N.M.SG) [2], lluniau (pictures.N.M.PL) [2], lyfrau (books.N.M.PL+SM) [2], mai (that_it_is.CONJ.FOCUS) [2], mis (month.N.M.SG) [2], mlynedd (years.N.F.PL+NM) [2], modd (means.N.M.SG) [2], mwynhau (enjoy.V.INFIN) [2], na (PRT.NEG) [2], nad (who_not.PRON.REL.NEG) [2], newydd (new.ADJ) [2], obeithio (hope.V.INFIN+SM) [2], o_gwmpas (around.ADV) [2], pobl (people.N.F.SG) [2], rhaid (necessity.N.M.SG) [2], rhan (part.N.F.SG) [2], sefydlu (establish.V.INFIN) [2], siopa (shop.V.INFIN) [2], sy (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [2], sych (dry.ADJ) [2], sydd (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [2], ta (be.IM) [2], teledu (television.N.M.SG) [2], tibod (unk) [2], trist (sad.ADJ) [2], tydy (unk) [2], wan (weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM) [2], Wener (Friday.N.F.SG+SM) [2], wir (true.ADJ+SM) [2], wnest (do.V.2S.PAST+SM) [2], wrth_gwrs (of_course.ADV) [2], wsnos (week.N.F.SG) [2], ychydig (a_little.QUAN) [2], ymlaen (forward.ADV) [2], yndan (be.V.1P.PRES.EMPH) [2], yn_do (wasn't_it.IM) [2], yn_dydyn (be.V.3P.PRES.TAG) [2], yng (my.ADJ.POSS.1S) [2], yn_ôl (back.ADV) [2], ystod (range.N.F.SG) [2], actorion (actors.N.M.PL) [1], adre (home.ADV) [1], agor (open.V.INFIN) [1], ai (or.CONJ) [1], ailagor (unk) [1], ailolwg (unk) [1], ailsgwennu (unk) [1], amdano (for_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], amdanyn (for_them.PREP+PRON.3P) [1], amryw (several.PREQ) [1], anodd (difficult.ADJ) [1], ar_goll (lost.ADV) [1], ar_gyfer (for.PREP) [1], ar_hyd (along.PREP) [1], arian (money.N.M.SG) [1], arni (on_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) [1], awr (hour.N.F.SG) [1], bardd (poet.N.M.SG) [1], barod (ready.ADJ+SM) [1], basai (be.V.3S.PLUPERF) [1], benderfynu (decide.V.INFIN+SM) [1], berfeddion (unk) [1], beth (what.INT) [1], bethau (things.N.M.PL+SM) [1], bleser (pleasure.N.M.SG+SM) [1], blodyn (flower.N.M.SG) [1], bnawn (afternoon.N.M.SG+SM) [1], bob (each.PREQ+SM) [1], bont (bridge.N.F.SG+SM) [1], bydda (be.V.1S.FUT) [1], byset (finger.V.2S.IMPERF) [1], bythefnos (fortnight.N.MF.SG+SM) [1], bytiau (unk) [1], byw (live.V.INFIN) [1], caethwasiaeth (unk) [1], caf (get.V.1S.PRES) [1], can (can.N.M.SG) [1], cario (carry.V.INFIN) [1], cefn (back.N.M.SG) [1], cei (get.V.2S.PRES) [1], cilio (retreat.V.INFIN) [1], clywed (hear.V.INFIN) [1], codi (lift.V.INFIN) [1], cofnod (record.N.M.SG) [1], cofnodion (records.N.M.PL) [1], cotwm (unk) [1], cyfan (whole.N.M.SG) [1], cyfnod (period.N.M.SG) [1], cyfuno (combine.V.INFIN) [1], cymryd (take.V.INFIN) [1], cyngerdd (concert.N.MF.SG) [1], cynharach (early.ADJ.COMP) [1], cynulleidfa (audience.N.F.SG) [1], cystadleuaeth (competition.N.F.SG) [1], da (be.IM+SM) [1], dal (still.ADV) [1], dant (tooth.N.M.SG.[or].string.N.M.SG+SM) [1], darlunio (illustrate.V.INFIN) [1], dau (two.NUM.M) [1], ddarlithoedd (lectures.N.F.PL+SM) [1], ddel (pretty.ADJ+SM) [1], ddeud (say.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ddigon (enough.QUAN+SM) [1], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM) [1], ddiwrnod (day.N.M.SG+SM) [1], ddweud (say.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ddwytha (last.ADJ+SM) [1], ddydd (day.N.M.SG+SM) [1], ddylai (ought_to.V.3S.IMPERF+SM) [1], de (south.N.M.SG.[or].right.N.M.SG.[or].tea.N.M.SG+SM) [1], debyg (similar.ADJ+SM) [1], dechrau (beginning.N.M.SG.[or].begin.V.INFIN) [1], dechrau (begin.V.INFIN) [1], defaid (sheep.N.F.PL) [1], deffro (waken.V.INFIN) [1], del (pretty.ADJ) [1], dew (fat.ADJ+SM) [1], dewis (choose.V.INFIN) [1], diddymu (abolish.V.INFIN) [1], difancoll (unk) [1], digon (enough.QUAN) [1], dim (not.ADV) [1], dim_byd (nothing.ADV) [1], dim_ond (only.ADV) [1], doedden (be.V.3P.IMPERF.NEG) [1], do'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF.NEG) [1], dorri (break.V.INFIN+SM) [1], draw (yonder.ADV) [1], drefnu (arrange.V.INFIN+SM) [1], dro (turn.N.M.SG+SM) [1], dŵed (unk) [1], dwedodd (say.V.3S.PAST) [1], dwyt (be.V.2S.PRES.NEG) [1], dwytha (last.ADJ) [1], dydan (unk) [1], dylai (ought_to.V.3S.IMPERF) [1], dyn (man.N.M.SG) [1], Ebrill (April.N.M.SG) [1], ei_gilydd (each_other.PRON.3SP) [1], ennill (win.V.INFIN) [1], enwedig (especially.ADJ) [1], eraill (others.PRON) [1], eto (again.ADV) [1], eu (their.ADJ.POSS.3P) [1], fab (son.N.M.SG+SM) [1], falch (proud.ADJ+SM) [1], fallai (unk) [1], fardd (poet.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fedrwn (be_able.V.1S.IMPERF+SM) [1], feirniadaeth (adjudication.N.F.SG+SM) [1], fenthyg (lend.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ffug (false.ADJ) [1], fi (I.PRON.1S+SM) [1], flino (tire.V.INFIN+SM) [1], flodau (flowers.N.M.PL+SM) [1], flynedd (years.N.F.PL+SM) [1], fore (morning.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fory (tomorrow.ADV) [1], funud (minute.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fydda (be.V.1S.FUT+SM) [1], fyddai (be.V.3S.COND+SM) [1], fyddan (be.V.3P.FUT+SM) [1], fyddet (be.V.2S.COND+SM) [1], fyddi (be.V.2S.FUT+SM) [1], fysan (finger.V.3P.FUT+SM) [1], fyset (finger.V.2S.IMPERF+SM) [1], fyw (live.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ga (get.V.1S.PRES+SM) [1], galw (call.V.INFIN) [1], ganddi (with_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) [1], ganeuon (songs.N.F.PL+SM) [1], ganol (middle.N.M.SG+SM) [1], ganrif (century.N.F.SG+SM) [1], garbwl (unk) [1], gasglu (collect.V.INFIN+SM) [1], geni (be_born.V.INFIN) [1], giatiau (unk) [1], gig (meat.N.M.SG+SM) [1], gip (snatch.N.M.SG+SM) [1], gloyw (bright.ADJ) [1], go (rather.ADV) [1], goedwig (forest.N.F.SG+SM) [1], gofnodi (record.V.INFIN+SM) [1], gorffen (complete.V.INFIN) [1], gorod (have_to.V.INFIN) [1], gryn (considerable.ADJ+SM.[or].somewhat.ADJ+SM) [1], gwadd (unk) [1], gwaith (time.N.F.SG) [1], gwella (improve.V.INFIN) [1], gwerth (value.N.M.SG.[or].sell.V.3S.PRES) [1], gwir (true.ADJ) [1], gwlad (country.N.F.SG) [1], gŵr (man.N.M.SG) [1], gwylanod (unk) [1], gwylio (watch.V.INFIN) [1], gyflym (fast.ADJ+SM) [1], gyflymach (fast.ADJ.COMP+SM) [1], gyfres (series.N.F.SG+SM) [1], gymanfa (assembly.N.F.SG+SM) [1], gymreig (unk) [1], gynharach (early.ADJ.COMP+SM) [1], gynhesrwydd (warmth.N.M.SG+SM) [1], gynnan (light.V.3P.FUT+SM) [1], gynnar (early.ADJ+SM) [1], gynnot (unk) [1], gyrru (drive.V.INFIN) [1], gysgu (sleep.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ha (summer.N.M.SG) [1], hawsa (unk) [1], heb (without.PREP) [1], hefo (with.PREP+H) [1], heibio (past.PREP) [1], heno (tonight.ADV) [1], hir (long.ADJ) [1], hirach (long.ADJ.COMP) [1], hun (self.PRON.SG) [1], hwyl (fun.N.F.SG) [1], hyd_yn_oed (even.ADV) [1], hyn (this.PRON.DEM.SP) [1], iddyn (to_them.PREP+PRON.3P) [1], ie (yes.ADV) [1], i_mewn (in.ADV.[or].in.PREP) [1], Ionawr (January.N.M.SG) [1], iw (unk) [1], lawer (many.QUAN+SM) [1], le (place.N.M.SG+SM.[or].where.INT+SM) [1], leni (this year.ADV) [1], llawn (full.ADJ) [1], lle (place.N.M.SG) [1], lle (where.INT) [1], Lloegr (England.N.F.SG.PLACE) [1], llwyfan (stage.N.M.SG) [1], llyfrgell (library.N.M.SG) [1], llygad (eye.N.M.SG) [1], Llywelyn_Ein_Llyw_Olaf (name) [1], Llywelyn_Fawr (name) [1], Loegr (England.N.F.SG.PLACE+SM) [1], luniau (pictures.N.M.PL+SM) [1], mawr (big.ADJ) [1], Mehefin (June.N.M.SG) [1], mewn (in.PREP) [1], mlwyddiant (unk) [1], mor (so.ADV) [1], môr (sea.N.M.SG) [1], morwynion (unk) [1], mwya (biggest.ADJ.SUP) [1], na (no.ADV) [1], na ((n)or.CONJ) [1], nac (PRT.NEG) [1], naddo (no.ADV.PAST) [1], nant (brook.N.F.SG) [1], naw (nine.NUM) [1], neb (anyone.PRON) [1], nesa (next.ADJ.SUP.[or].approach.V.2S.IMPER.[or].approach.V.3S.PRES) [1], nghapel (chapel.N.M.SG+NM) [1], Nghymru (Wales.N.F.SG.PLACE+NM) [1], nid ((it is) not.ADV) [1], o (from.PREP) [1], oed (age.N.M.SG) [1], oeddet (be.V.2S.IMPERF) [1], oeddwn (be.V.1S.IMPERF) [1], ohono (from_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], ola (last.ADJ) [1], olaf (last.ADJ) [1], orffen (complete.V.INFIN+SM) [1], o't (unk) [1], perthyn (belong.V.INFIN) [1], perthyn (belong.V.2S.IMPER) [1], plas (unk) [1], pnawn (afternoon.N.M.SG) [1], prin (scarce.ADJ) [1], pryd (when.INT) [1], prynu (buy.V.INFIN) [1], pwy (who.PRON) [1], rhaglen (programme.N.F.SG) [1], rhai (some.PRON) [1], rhein (these.PRON) [1], rheina (those.PRON) [1], rheiny (those.PRON) [1], rhuthro (rush.V.INFIN) [1], rhwng (between.PREP) [1], rhywbeth (something.N.M.SG) [1], rhywbryd (at_some_stage.ADV) [1], rywbeth (something.N.M.SG+SM) [1], rywle (somewhere.N.M.SG+SM) [1], rywun (someone.N.M.SG+SM) [1], Saesneg (English.N.F.SG) [1], safon (standard.N.F.SG.[or].stand.V.1P.PAST.[or].stand.V.3P.PAST) [1], saith (seven.NUM) [1], sefyll (stand.V.INFIN) [1], sglerio (unk) [1], sgwn (unk) [1], siarad (talk.V.INFIN) [1], Sir_Fôn (name) [1], siwtio (suit.V.INFIN) [1], sôn (mention.V.INFIN) [1], sychu (dry.V.INFIN) [1], tan (until.PREP) [1], te (be.IM) [1], thorri (break.V.INFIN+AM) [1], thraw (pitch.N.M.SG+AM) [1], timbod (unk) [1], timod (know.V.2S.PRES) [1], torri (break.V.INFIN) [1], trefnu (arrange.V.INFIN) [1], tripiau (unk) [1], tro (turn.N.M.SG) [1], tro (turn.N.M.SG.[or].turn.V.2S.IMPER) [1], troi (turn.V.INFIN) [1], trwy (through.PREP) [1], tua (towards.PREP) [1], (house.N.M.SG) [1], tynnu (draw.V.INFIN) [1], unwaith (once.ADV) [1], uwchben (above.PREP.[or].overhead.ADV) [1], wahanol (different.ADJ+SM) [1], waith (work.N.M.SG+SM) [1], wasanaeth (service.N.M.SG+SM) [1], weithiau (times.N.F.PL+SM) [1], wledig (rural.ADJ+SM) [1], wnei (do.V.2S.PRES+SM) [1], wraig (wife.N.F.SG+SM) [1], wrando (listen.V.INFIN+SM) [1], wrthi (to_her.PREP+PRON.F.3S) [1], ydan (be.V.1P.PRES) [1], ydw (be.V.1S.PRES) [1], yfo (he.PRON) [1], ymarfer (practise.V.INFIN.[or].exercise.N.F.SG) [1], ymarfer (practise.V.INFIN) [1], ymddangos (appear.V.INFIN) [1], ymddeol (retire.V.INFIN) [1], ymyl (edge.N.F.SG) [1], yn_doedden (be.V.3P.IMPERF.TAG) [1], yn_te (unk) [1], yrru (drive.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ysgol (school.N.F.SG) [1],

Words with language tag: cym&eng (287)

um (um.IM) [80], oh (oh.IM) [41], er (er.IM) [36], yeah (yeah.ADV) [19], well (well.ADV) [18], sure (sure.ADJ) [7], ah (ah.IM) [4], mmm (mmm.IM) [4], right (right.ADJ) [4], bus (bus.N.SG.[or].pus.N.SG+SM) [3], Cysgod_y_Cryman (name) [3], pier (pier.N.SG) [3], Daily_Post (name) [2], gar (car.N.SG+SM) [2], Geoff_Charles (name) [2], Gonwy (name) [2], Merched_y_Wawr (name) [2], round (round.ADJ) [2], shop (shop.N.SG) [2], so (so.ADV) [2], actor (actor.N.SG) [1], Angharad_Tomos (name) [1], Beddgelert (name) [1], Bethesda (name) [1], breed (unk) [1], brown (brown.N.SG) [1], Bryn_Euryn (name) [1], Bryn_Trallwyn (name) [1], Conwy (name) [1], daffodils (daffodil.N.SG+PL) [1], detective (detective.N.SG) [1], dramps (tramp.SV.INFIN+SM+PL) [1], Dwynwen (name) [1], Dyfed_Alun (name) [1], Ednyfed_Fychan (name) [1], Eryl_Rothwell (name) [1], farm (farm.N.SG) [1], fus (bus.N.SG+SM) [1], Goleuad (name) [1], Herald (name) [1], Jessica (name) [1], John_Gruffydd_Jones (name) [1], Julie (name) [1], Kate_Roberts (name) [1], Llanelian (name) [1], Llangelynin (name) [1], modern (modern.ADJ) [1], Mr_Griffiths (name) [1], Mr_Samuel (name) [1], nuisance (nuisance.N.SG) [1], Owain_Glyndŵr (name) [1], panel (panel.N.SG) [1], park (park.N.SG) [1], Pawb_A'i_Farn (name) [1], Penzance (name) [1], Rhianwen (name) [1], Rhosgadfan (name) [1], Rhyl (name) [1], Sara (name) [1], Steddfod (name) [1], Tesco's (name) [1], Te_yn_y_Grug (name) [1], Thomas_Telford (name) [1], top (top.N.SG) [1], traffic (traffic.N.SG) [1], train (train.SV.INFIN) [1], Tywysogion (name) [1], Y_Lôn_Wen (name) [1], Y_Pentan (name) [1],

Words with language tag: eng (3)

W_E_A (name) [2], Sunray_Gates (name) [1],