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Siarad, fusser32: STE word frequency

Words with language tag: cym (1090)

yn (PRT) [60], mae (be.V.3S.PRES) [55], i (to.PREP) [30], a (and.CONJ) [27], yr (the.DET.DEF) [27], o (he.PRON.M.3S) [26], yn (PRT.[or].in.PREP) [23], nhw (they.PRON.3P) [21], ia (yes.ADV) [20], yna (there.ADV) [20], o (of.PREP) [18], y (the.DET.DEF) [17], i (I.PRON.1S) [15], wneud (make.V.INFIN+SM) [15], ar (on.PREP) [14], oedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF) [14], ydy (be.V.3S.PRES) [14], felly (so.ADV) [13], dw (be.V.1S.PRES) [12], wedi (after.PREP) [12], mynd (go.V.INFIN) [11], neu (or.CONJ) [11], fo (he.PRON.M.3S) [10], wedyn (afterwards.ADV) [10], cael (get.V.INFIN) [9], chi (you.PRON.2P) [9], ni (we.PRON.1P) [9], un (one.NUM) [9], be (what.INT) [8], bod (be.V.INFIN) [8], dydy (be.V.3S.PRES.NEG) [8], hefyd (also.ADV) [8], meddwl (think.V.INFIN) [8], ddim (not.ADV+SM) [7], fath (type.N.F.SG+SM) [7], isio (want.N.M.SG) [7], timod (know.V.2S.PRES) [7], deud (say.V.INFIN) [6], fory (tomorrow.ADV) [6], hynna (that.PRON.DEM.SP) [6], ond (but.CONJ) [6], yn (in.PREP) [6], allan (out.ADV) [5], am (for.PREP) [5], amdan (for_them.PREP+PRON.3P) [5], bach (small.ADJ) [5], do (yes.ADV.PAST) [5], dyna (that_is.ADV) [5], ei (his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S) [5], hwnna (that.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [5], na (no.ADV) [5], oes (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF) [5], yndy (be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH) [5], ar_gyfer (for.PREP) [4], beth (thing.N.M.SG+SM) [4], bynnag (-ever.ADJ) [4], chdi (you.PRON.2S) [4], dach (be.V.2P.PRES) [4], does (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.NEG) [4], medru (be_able.V.INFIN) [4], os (if.CONJ) [4], ti (you.PRON.2S) [4], tu (side.N.M.SG) [4], yma (here.ADV) [4], â (as.PREP) [3], ballu (suchlike.PRON) [3], blwyddyn (year.N.F.SG) [3], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM) [3], dod (come.V.INFIN) [3], dro (turn.N.M.SG+SM) [3], fasai (be.V.3S.PLUPERF+SM) [3], fewn (in.PREP+SM) [3], gweld (see.V.INFIN) [3], hi (she.PRON.F.3S) [3], iawn (OK.ADV) [3], i_fyny (up.ADV) [3], peth (thing.N.M.SG) [3], pethau (things.N.M.PL) [3], rhaid (necessity.N.M.SG) [3], rywbeth (something.N.M.SG+SM) [3], sy (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [3], yr (that.PRON.REL) [3], â (as.CONJ) [2], arall (other.ADJ) [2], at (to.PREP) [2], basai (be.V.3S.PLUPERF) [2], benthyg (loan.N.M.SG.[or].lend.V.3S.PRES.[or].lend.V.INFIN) [2], bob (each.PREQ+SM) [2], bobl (people.N.F.SG+SM) [2], bychan (small.ADJ) [2], bysai (finger.V.3S.IMPERF) [2], coeden (tree.N.F.SG) [2], cyfuniad (combination.N.M.SG) [2], cyntaf (first.ORD) [2], dda (good.ADJ+SM) [2], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM) [2], diwrnod (day.N.M.SG) [2], dwytha (last.ADJ) [2], dyn (man.N.M.SG) [2], edrych (look.V.INFIN) [2], efo (with.PREP) [2], ei_gilydd (each_other.PRON.3SP) [2], ella (maybe.ADV) [2], enw (name.N.M.SG) [2], er_mwyn (for_the_sake_of.PREP) [2], eto (again.ADV) [2], ffindio (find.V.INFIN) [2], fi (I.PRON.1S+SM) [2], fod (be.V.INFIN+SM) [2], gennoch (grow_scaly.V.2P.PAST+SM) [2], gweithio (work.V.INFIN) [2], hawdd (easy.ADJ) [2], hefo (with.PREP+H) [2], i_fewn (in.PREP) [2], llun (picture.N.M.SG) [2], meddalwedd (software.N.MF.SG) [2], mewn (in.PREP) [2], mwy (more.ADJ.COMP) [2], na (no.ADV.[or].PRT.NEG.[or].who_not.PRON.REL.NEG.[or].(n)or.CONJ.[or].than.CONJ) [2], nag (than.CONJ) [2], o'ch (unk) [2], oeddan (be.V.1P.IMPERF) [2], paratoi (prepare.V.INFIN) [2], petasa (unk) [2], petasai (be.V.3S.PLUPERF.HYP) [2], rhedeg (run.V.INFIN) [2], rhywbeth (something.N.M.SG) [2], rhywun (someone.N.M.SG) [2], ryw (some.PREQ+SM) [2], rywun (someone.N.M.SG+SM) [2], safle (position.N.M.SG) [2], sgwennu (write.V.INFIN) [2], sortio (sort.V.INFIN) [2], sti (you_know.IM) [2], sydd (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [2], teimlo (feel.V.INFIN) [2], torri (break.V.INFIN) [2], (house.N.M.SG) [2], â (with.PREP) [1], ac (and.CONJ) [1], achos (because.CONJ) [1], afal (apple.N.M.SG) [1], ailgodi (re-erect.V.INFIN) [1], allai (be_able.V.3S.IMPERF+SM) [1], allwch (be_able.V.2P.PRES+SM) [1], amser (time.N.M.SG) [1], anffodus (unfortunate.ADJ) [1], arian (money.N.M.SG) [1], arno (on_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], ar_ôl (after.PREP) [1], barod (ready.ADJ+SM) [1], bechod (how_sad.IM) [1], beiriannau (machines.N.M.PL+SM) [1], beth (what.INT) [1], bethau (things.N.M.PL+SM) [1], boeni (worry.V.INFIN+SM) [1], bres (money.N.M.SG+SM) [1], brofion (tests.N.M.PL+SM) [1], brosiectau (projects.N.M.PL+SM) [1], call (sane.ADJ) [1], calonogol (unk) [1], canolfan (centre.N.MF.SG) [1], casglu (collect.V.INFIN) [1], cathod (cats.N.F.PL) [1], chwarae (game.N.M.SG.[or].play.V.2S.IMPER.[or].play.V.INFIN) [1], chwilio (search.V.INFIN) [1], coblyn (unk) [1], codi (lift.V.INFIN) [1], cry (strong.ADJ) [1], cuddiad (unk) [1], cychwyn (start.V.INFIN) [1], cyfri (cover.V.2S.PRES) [1], cyfrifiadur (computer.N.M.SG) [1], cyfrifiaduron (computers.N.M.PL.[or].computerise.V.1P.PAST.[or].computerise.V.3P.PAST) [1], cyfyngu (limit.V.INFIN) [1], cymeryd (take.V.INFIN) [1], cymryd (take.V.INFIN) [1], dal (continue.V.INFIN) [1], darllen (read.V.INFIN) [1], darn (piece.N.M.SG) [1], ddau (two.NUM.M+SM) [1], dderbyn (receive.V.INFIN+SM.[or].accept.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ddim_byd (nothing.ADV+SM) [1], ddod (come.V.INFIN+SM) [1], de (be.IM+SM) [1], debyg (similar.ADJ+SM) [1], defnydd (material.N.M.SG) [1], dehongli (interpret.V.INFIN) [1], di (you.PRON.2S+SM) [1], diawl (unk) [1], digon (enough.QUAN) [1], dim (not.ADV) [1], dim_byd (nothing.ADV) [1], dogfennau (documents.N.F.PL) [1], do'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF.NEG) [1], Dona (name) [1], dosbarth (class.N.M.SG) [1], drafferth (trouble.N.MF.SG+SM) [1], driniaeth (treatment.N.F.SG+SM) [1], Duw (name) [1], dydd (day.N.M.SG) [1], dylunio (delineate.V.INFIN.[or].design.V.INFIN) [1], effeithiol (effective.ADJ) [1], enwedig (especially.ADJ) [1], erbyn (by.PREP) [1], faint (size.N.M.SG+SM) [1], falch (proud.ADJ+SM) [1], fan (place.N.MF.SG+SM) [1], fasa (be.V.1S.PLUPERF+SM) [1], fasen (be.V.3P.PLUPERF+SM) [1], fath (type.N.F.SG+SM.[or].bath.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fawr (big.ADJ+SM) [1], feddalwedd (software.N.MF.SG+SM) [1], fedri (be_able.V.2S.PRES+SM) [1], fel (like.CONJ) [1], fendigedig (wonderful.ADJ+SM) [1], ffa (beans.N.F.PL) [1], ffeindio (find.V.INFIN) [1], ffordd (way.N.F.SG) [1], flwyddyn (year.N.F.SG+SM) [1], fwrn (unk) [1], fwy (more.ADJ.COMP+SM) [1], fwydo (feed.V.INFIN+SM.[or].steep.V.INFIN+SM) [1], fydd (be.V.3S.FUT+SM) [1], fyddan (be.V.3P.FUT+SM) [1], fynd (go.V.INFIN+SM) [1], fyny (up.ADV) [1], gadael (leave.V.INFIN) [1], gael (get.V.INFIN+SM) [1], galla (be_able.V.1S.PRES) [1], gen (with.PREP) [1], genno (grow_scaly.V.3S.SUBJ+SM) [1], gradd (degree.N.MF.SG) [1], gwaed (blood.N.M.SG) [1], gwaith (work.N.M.SG) [1], gwefan (website.N.F.SG) [1], gwneud (make.V.INFIN) [1], gwybodaeth (knowledge.N.F.SG) [1], gwynt (wind.N.M.SG) [1], gwyrdd (green.ADJ) [1], gymaint (so much.ADJ+SM) [1], gynnau (light.V.INFIN+SM) [1], gynnau (just_now.ADV) [1], gynnes (warm.ADJ+SM) [1], gynnoch (with_you.PREP+PRON.2P) [1], gysgodol (unk) [1], hanner (half.N.M.SG) [1], hun (self.PRON.SG) [1], hwyr (late.ADJ) [1], hynny (that.PRON.DEM.SP) [1], i_mewn (in.ADV.[or].in.PREP) [1], lawr (down.ADV) [1], leia (smallest.ADJ+SM.[or].least.ADJ+SM) [1], leiaf (small.ADJ.SUP+SM) [1], llai (smaller.ADJ.COMP) [1], llall (other.PRON) [1], llaw (hand.N.F.SG) [1], lle (where.INT) [1], lle (place.N.M.SG) [1], Llundain (London.N.F.SG.PLACE) [1], lluniau (pictures.N.M.PL) [1], llwytho (load.V.INFIN) [1], Mercher (Wednesday.N.F.SG) [1], na (PRT.NEG) [1], nac (PRT.NEG) [1], naddo (no.ADV.PAST) [1], naill_ai (unk) [1], nôl (back.ADV.[or].fetch.V.INFIN) [1], nos (night.N.F.SG) [1], o (he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP) [1], oedden (be.V.3P.IMPERF) [1], oedran (age.N.M.SG) [1], ohono (from_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], ôl (rear.ADJ) [1], o'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF) [1], pa (which.ADJ) [1], penderfynu (decide.V.INFIN) [1], petasen (unk) [1], pla (plague.N.M.SG) [1], poeni (worry.V.INFIN) [1], potiau (pots.N.M.PL) [1], prawf (test.N.M.SG.[or].taste.V.3S.PRES.[or].examine.V.3S.PRES) [1], rei (some.PRON+SM) [1], reolau (rules.N.F.PL+SM) [1], rhei (some.PRON) [1], roid (give.V.INFIN+SM) [1], rŵan (now.ADV) [1], ry (too.ADJ+SM) [1], rym (unk) [1], safio (save.V.INFIN) [1], sail (base.N.F.SG) [1], sbïo (look.V.INFIN) [1], sganio (scan.V.INFIN) [1], shrincio (unk) [1], siapio (shape.V.INFIN) [1], siffito (unk) [1], sifftio (shift.V.INFIN) [1], sôn (mention.V.INFIN) [1], swopio (swap.V.INFIN) [1], sydyn (sudden.ADJ) [1], sylweddoli (realise.V.INFIN) [1], symud (move.V.INFIN) [1], ta (be.IM) [1], talu (pay.V.INFIN) [1], tâp (tape.N.M.SG) [1], topiau (tops.N.M.PL) [1], tro (turn.V.2S.IMPER) [1], trosglwyddo (transfer.V.INFIN) [1], trwy (through.PREP) [1], tyfu (grow.V.INFIN) [1], tyrd (come.V.2S.IMPER) [1], tywydd (weather.N.M.SG) [1], uchder (height.N.M.SG) [1], ugain (twenty.NUM) [1], union (exact.ADJ) [1], unrhyw (any.ADJ) [1], waith (work.N.M.SG+SM) [1], wal (wall.N.F.SG) [1], wan (weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM) [1], wefan (website.N.F.SG+SM) [1], weld (see.V.INFIN+SM) [1], well (better.ADJ.COMP+SM) [1], werth (value.N.M.SG+SM.[or].sell.V.3S.PRES+SM) [1], wnaeth (do.V.3S.PAST+SM) [1], wnaethon (do.V.3P.PAST+SM) [1], wneith (do.V.3S.FUT+SM) [1], wrtho (to_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], y (that.PRON.REL) [1], ymchwil (research.N.M.SG) [1], ymlaen (forward.ADV) [1], ymweld (visit.V.INFIN) [1], yn_de (isn't_it.IM) [1], yn_ôl (back.ADV) [1], ysgol (school.N.F.SG) [1],

Words with language tag: cym&eng (152)

mmm (mmm.IM) [30], um (um.IM) [21], oh (oh.IM) [15], yeah (yeah.ADV) [10], well (well.ADV) [6], just (just.ADV) [5], handy (handy.ADJ) [4], right (right.ADJ) [4], cancer (cancer.N.SG) [3], er (er.IM) [3], option (option.N.SG) [3], Word (name) [3], camera (camera.N.SG) [2], great (great.ADJ) [2], lot (lot.N.SG) [2], radiotherapy (radiotherapy.N.SG) [2], surgery (surgery.N.SG) [2], top (top.N.SG) [2], avid (avid.ADJ) [1], biopsy (biopsy.N.SG) [1], border (border.N.SG) [1], boxes (unk) [1], Bryn_Golau (name) [1], Bryn_Haul (name) [1], business (business.N.SG) [1], car (car.N.SG) [1], cd_rom (unk) [1], celsius (unk) [1], chemo (unk) [1], crew (crew.N.SG) [1], Dot_Org (name) [1], hydranger (unk) [1], line (line.N.SG) [1], Mathew (name) [1], Miriam (name) [1], mmhm (mmhm.IM) [1], montage (montage.N.SG) [1], nice (nice.ADJ) [1], oesophagus (oesophagus.N.SG) [1], Office (name) [1], Open_Office_Org (name) [1], person (person.N.SG) [1], Power_Point (name) [1], scan (scan.N.SG) [1], so (so.ADV) [1], sorry (sorry.ADJ) [1], sure (sure.ADJ) [1], tent (tent.N.SG) [1], video (video.N.SG) [1], wow (wow.IM) [1], Wyn (name) [1],

Words with language tag: eng (18)

because (because.CONJ) [3], anyway (anyway.ADV) [1], appearance (appearance.N.SG) [1], consultant (consultant.N.SG) [1], control (control.V.INFIN) [1], database (unk) [1], irritation (irritation.N.SG) [1], lapse (lapse.N.SG) [1], pro (pro.ADV) [1], quid (quid.N.SG) [1], quo (quo.SV.INFIN) [1], snuggle (snuggle.SV.INFIN) [1], so_and_so (unk) [1], software (software.N.SG) [1], tactical (tactical.ADJ) [1], time (time.N.SG) [1],