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Siarad, fusser22: WYN word frequency

Words with language tag: 7 (1)

burgunder () [1],

Words with language tag: cym (1634)

yn (PRT) [79], mae (be.V.3S.PRES) [58], ni (we.PRON.1P) [51], i (to.PREP) [43], a (and.CONJ) [40], i (I.PRON.1S) [36], yr (the.DET.DEF) [36], dw (be.V.1S.PRES) [32], o (of.PREP) [32], de (be.IM+SM) [25], dan (be.V.1P.PRES) [24], na (no.ADV) [23], ia (yes.ADV) [20], ddim (not.ADV+SM) [19], ti (you.PRON.2S) [19], ydy (be.V.3S.PRES) [19], wneud (make.V.INFIN+SM) [18], mynd (go.V.INFIN) [17], yn (PRT.[or].in.PREP) [17], hwyrach (perhaps.ADV) [16], y (the.DET.DEF) [16], bod (be.V.INFIN) [15], o (he.PRON.M.3S) [15], ond (but.CONJ) [15], yndy (be.V.3S.PRES.EMPH) [15], nhw (they.PRON.3P) [14], wedi (after.PREP) [14], yna (there.ADV) [13], efo (with.PREP) [12], yn (in.PREP) [12], timod (know.V.2S.PRES) [11], isio (want.N.M.SG) [10], oes (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF) [10], un (one.NUM) [10], be (what.INT) [9], flwyddyn (year.N.F.SG+SM) [9], ie (yes.ADV) [9], oedd (be.V.3S.IMPERF) [9], cael (get.V.INFIN) [8], do (yes.ADV.PAST) [8], do (come.V.1S.PRES.[or].yes.ADV.PAST.[or].roof.N.M.SG+SM) [8], ella (maybe.ADV) [8], am (for.PREP) [7], cyn (before.PREP) [7], hefyd (also.ADV) [7], hwnna (that.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [7], meddwl (think.V.INFIN) [7], mis (month.N.M.SG) [7], os (if.CONJ) [7], (house.N.M.SG) [7], waith (work.N.M.SG+SM) [7], achos (because.CONJ) [6], arall (other.ADJ) [6], chdi (you.PRON.2S) [6], di (you.PRON.2S+SM) [6], dydd (day.N.M.SG) [6], gynnon (with_us.PREP+PRON.1P) [6], licio (like.V.INFIN) [6], neu (or.CONJ) [6], peth (thing.N.M.SG) [6], bob (each.PREQ+SM) [5], bwyd (food.N.M.SG) [5], dim (not.ADV) [5], fedran (be_able.V.3P.FUT+SM) [5], Ffrainc (France.N.F.SG.PLACE) [5], fi (I.PRON.1S+SM) [5], fydd (be.V.3S.FUT+SM) [5], gwesty (hotel.N.M.SG) [5], iawn (OK.ADV) [5], pethau (things.N.M.PL) [5], wedyn (afterwards.ADV) [5], wyt (be.V.2S.PRES) [5], amser (time.N.M.SG) [4], ar (on.PREP) [4], bobl (people.N.F.SG+SM) [4], chi (you.PRON.2P) [4], cofio (remember.V.INFIN) [4], deg (ten.NUM) [4], digwydd (happen.V.INFIN) [4], dydy (be.V.3S.PRES.NEG) [4], fath (type.N.F.SG+SM) [4], fwy (more.ADJ.COMP+SM) [4], gormod (too_much.QUANT) [4], gwybod (know.V.INFIN) [4], hi (she.PRON.F.3S) [4], hynna (that.PRON.DEM.SP) [4], hynny (that.PRON.DEM.SP) [4], lle (place.N.M.SG) [4], pedwar (four.NUM.M) [4], pobl (people.N.F.SG) [4], siarad (talk.V.INFIN) [4], sy (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [4], tri (three.NUM.M) [4], tro (turn.N.M.SG.[or].turn.V.2S.IMPER) [4], wan (weak.ADJ+SM.[or].pale.ADJ+SM) [4], at (to.PREP) [3], bethau (things.N.M.PL+SM) [3], byw (live.V.INFIN) [3], Caerdydd (Cardiff.NAME.PLACE) [3], cyfarfod (meet.V.INFIN) [3], Cymru (Wales.N.F.SG.PLACE) [3], dal (still.ADV) [3], dallt (understand.V.INFIN) [3], ddeud (say.V.INFIN+SM) [3], ddigon (enough.QUAN+SM) [3], ddim (nothing.N.M.SG+SM.[or].not.ADV+SM) [3], do (yes.ADV.PAST.[or].come.V.1S.PRES.[or].roof.N.M.SG+SM) [3], does (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.NEG) [3], dyna (that_is.ADV) [3], fawr (big.ADJ+SM) [3], feddwl (think.V.INFIN+SM) [3], fo (he.PRON.M.3S) [3], fwyd (food.N.M.SG+SM) [3], gwneud (make.V.INFIN) [3], ha (summer.N.M.SG) [3], heddiw (today.ADV) [3], helpu (help.V.INFIN) [3], i_fewn (in.PREP) [3], i_fyny (up.ADV) [3], Llun (Monday.N.M.SG) [3], mawr (big.ADJ) [3], methu (fail.V.INFIN) [3], mwy (more.ADJ.COMP) [3], na (than.CONJ) [3], nag (than.CONJ) [3], oedden (be.V.1P.IMPERF) [3], oedden (be.V.3P.IMPERF) [3], o'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF) [3], rhaid (necessity.N.M.SG) [3], rhwydwaith (network.N.M.SG) [3], rhyfedd (strange.ADJ) [3], rŵan (now.ADV) [3], rywbeth (something.N.M.SG+SM) [3], sut (how.INT) [3], syniad (idea.N.M.SG) [3], ydyn (be.V.3P.PRES) [3], yma (here.ADV) [3], yn_de (isn't_it.IM) [3], â (as.CONJ.[or].with.PREP.[or].go.V.3S.PRES) [2], â (as.PREP) [2], ac (and.CONJ) [2], anfoneb (invoice.N.F.PL) [2], ariannol (monetary.ADJ) [2], bach (small.ADJ) [2], brenin (king.N.M.SG) [2], byddan (be.V.3P.FUT) [2], cadw (keep.V.INFIN) [2], chwech (six.NUM) [2], codi (lift.V.INFIN) [2], crys (shirt.N.M.SG) [2], dau (two.NUM.M) [2], dawel (quiet.ADJ+SM) [2], dda (good.ADJ+SM) [2], ddechrau (begin.V.INFIN+SM) [2], ddigwydd (happen.V.INFIN+SM) [2], ddiod (drink.N.F.SG+SM) [2], deud (say.V.INFIN) [2], digon (enough.QUAN) [2], dim_byd (nothing.ADV) [2], dipyn (little_bit.N.M.SG+SM) [2], disgwyl (expect.V.INFIN) [2], diwedd (end.N.M.SG) [2], dod (come.V.INFIN) [2], dwy (two.NUM.F) [2], Ebrill (April.N.M.SG) [2], ein_gilydd (each_other.PRON.1P) [2], er (er.IM) [2], eto (again.ADV) [2], eu (their.ADJ.POSS.3P) [2], fel (like.CONJ) [2], felly (so.ADV) [2], fesul (per.ADV) [2], ffordd (way.N.F.SG) [2], fygwth (threaten.V.INFIN+SM) [2], fynd (go.V.INFIN+SM) [2], gair (word.N.M.SG) [2], gei (get.V.2S.PRES+SM) [2], gerdd (music.N.F.SG+SM) [2], grio (cry.V.INFIN+SM) [2], gwaith (time.N.F.SG.[or].work.N.M.SG) [2], gwasanaeth (service.N.M.SG) [2], gweithio (work.V.INFIN) [2], gweld (see.V.INFIN) [2], gwisgo (dress.V.INFIN) [2], gyd (joint.ADJ+SM) [2], gyn (with.PREP) [2], heddlu (police.N.M.SG.[or].police force.N.M.SG) [2], hyd (length.N.M.SG) [2], hyder (confidence.N.M.SG) [2], iechyd (health.N.M.SG) [2], mi (PRT.AFF) [2], mil (thousand.N.F.SG) [2], nos (night.N.F.SG) [2], oedda (be.V.2S.IMPERF) [2], o_gwmpas (around.ADV) [2], pan (when.CONJ) [2], pryd (when.INT.[or].time.N.M.SG) [2], pum (five.NUM) [2], pythefnos (fortnight.N.MF.SG) [2], ryw (some.PREQ+SM) [2], tair (three.NUM.F) [2], wela (see.V.1S.PRES+SM) [2], weld (see.V.INFIN+SM) [2], wnaeth (do.V.3S.PAST+SM) [2], wneith (do.V.3S.FUT+SM) [2], wsnos (week.N.F.SG) [2], ychydig (a_little.QUAN) [2], ymgynghoriad (consultation.N.M.SG) [2], yn_ôl (back.ADV) [2], â (as.CONJ) [1], allan (out.ADV) [1], amdano (for_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], amgylcheddol (environmental.ADJ) [1], angen (need.N.M.SG) [1], ara (unk) [1], ardal (region.N.F.SG.[or].regional.ADJ) [1], argoel (omen.N.F.SG) [1], arian (money.N.M.SG) [1], ar_ôl (after.PREP) [1], ateb (answer.N.M.SG) [1], awr (hour.N.F.SG) [1], awyrgylch (atmosphere.N.MF.SG) [1], barod (ready.ADJ+SM) [1], beth (what.INT) [1], blwyddyn (year.N.F.SG) [1], boblogaeth (population.N.F.SG+SM) [1], boeni (worry.V.INFIN+SM) [1], bore (morning.N.M.SG) [1], bump (five.NUM+SM) [1], bwcio (book.V.INFIN) [1], bwysau (weights.N.M.PL+SM) [1], cae (field.N.M.SG) [1], cerdded (walk.V.3S.IMPER) [1], chwarae (game.N.M.SG) [1], chwaraeon (games.N.M.PL.[or].play.V.1P.PAST.[or].play.V.3P.PAST) [1], chwilio (search.V.INFIN) [1], cinio (dinner.N.M.SG) [1], clywed (hear.V.INFIN) [1], curo (beat.V.INFIN) [1], cychwyn (start.V.INFIN) [1], cyfleon (opportunities.N.M.PL.[or].imply.V.1P.PAST.[or].imply.V.3P.PAST) [1], cyflwyniad (presentation.N.M.SG) [1], cymdeithasol (social.ADJ) [1], Cymraeg (Welsh.N.F.SG) [1], Cymunedau_yn_Gyntaf (name) [1], cyn_belled (unk) [1], cynta (first.ORD) [1], cysylltiadau (connections.N.M.PL) [1], da (be.IM+SM) [1], dalu (pay.V.INFIN+SM) [1], daw (come.V.3S.PRES) [1], ddatblygu (develop.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ddau (two.NUM.M+SM) [1], ddiddordeb (interest.N.M.SG+SM) [1], ddifyr (amusing.ADJ+SM) [1], ddiwrnod (day.N.M.SG+SM) [1], dechrau (begin.V.INFIN.[or].beginning.N.M.SG) [1], dechrau (begin.V.INFIN) [1], dechrau (beginning.N.M.SG.[or].begin.V.INFIN) [1], deuda (say.V.1S.PRES.[or].say.V.2S.IMPER) [1], deunaw (eighteen.NUM) [1], diawl (unk) [1], diddordeb (interest.N.M.SG) [1], difyr (amusing.ADJ) [1], digwydd (happen.V.2S.IMPER) [1], dilyn (follow.V.INFIN) [1], diod (drink.N.F.SG) [1], diolch (thanks.N.M.SG.[or].thank.V.INFIN) [1], dir (land.N.M.SG+SM) [1], disgwyl (expect.V.2S.IMPER) [1], Dolig (Christmas.N.M.SG) [1], do'n (be.V.1S.IMPERF.NEG) [1], Duw (name) [1], dwytha (last.ADJ) [1], dy (your.ADJ.POSS.2S) [1], dyddiad (date.N.M.SG) [1], dyn (man.N.M.SG) [1], efellai (unk) [1], ei_gilydd (each_other.PRON.3SP) [1], eraill (others.PRON) [1], erioed (never.ADV) [1], er_mwyn (for_the_sake_of.PREP) [1], fach (small.ADJ+SM) [1], faint (size.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fath (type.N.F.SG+SM.[or].bath.N.M.SG+SM) [1], fedri (be_able.V.2S.PRES+SM) [1], ffonio (phone.V.INFIN) [1], Ffrancwyr (name) [1], fil (thousand.N.F.SG+SM) [1], fod (be.V.INFIN+SM) [1], fuan (soon.ADJ+SM) [1], fyddan (be.V.3P.FUT+SM) [1], fyny (up.ADV) [1], fysai (finger.V.3S.IMPERF+SM) [1], fyw (live.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ga (get.V.1S.PRES+SM) [1], gael (get.V.INFIN+SM) [1], galw (call.V.INFIN) [1], gan (with.PREP) [1], ganol (middle.N.M.SG+SM) [1], gawn (get.V.1P.PRES+SM) [1], gen (with.PREP) [1], gobeithio (hope.V.INFIN) [1], golygu (edit.V.INFIN) [1], gorod (have_to.V.INFIN) [1], grwpiau (groups.N.M.PL) [1], gwahanol (different.ADJ) [1], gweinyddiaeth (administration.N.F.SG.[or].administration.N.F.SG) [1], Gwener (Friday.N.F.SG) [1], gwin (wine.N.M.SG) [1], gwir (truth.N.M.SG) [1], gyda (with.PREP) [1], gyfarfod (meeting.N.M.SG+SM) [1], gynno (with_him.PREP+PRON.M.3S) [1], gynnoch (with_you.PREP+PRON.2P) [1], hapus (happy.ADJ) [1], hefo (with.PREP+H) [1], hel (collect.V.INFIN) [1], henoed (unk) [1], holiadur (questionnaire.N.M.SG) [1], holl (all.PREQ) [1], honna (that.PRON.DEM.F.SG.[or].claim.V.2S.IMPER.[or].claim.V.3S.PRES) [1], honno (that.PRON.DEM.F.SG) [1], hunain (self.PRON.PL) [1], hwn (this.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [1], hwnnw (that.PRON.DEM.M.SG) [1], hwyl (fun.N.F.SG) [1], hwyrach (late.ADJ.COMP.[or].perhaps.ADV) [1], i_lawr (down.ADV) [1], jocio (joke.V.3S.SUBJ.[or].joke.V.3S.SUBJ) [1], lawer (many.QUAN+SM) [1], lawr (down.ADV) [1], le (place.N.M.SG+SM) [1], llawn (full.ADJ) [1], lle (where.INT) [1], lles (benefit.N.M.SG) [1], llif (flow.N.M.SG.[or].saw.N.F.SG.[or].flood.N.M.SG) [1], llysiau (vegetables.N.M.PL) [1], Mawrth (Tuesday.N.M.SG.[or].Mars.N.M.SG.[or].March.N.M.SG) [1], Mawrth (March.N.M.SG) [1], mi (I.PRON.1S) [1], mlynedd (years.N.F.PL+NM) [1], modd (means.N.M.SG) [1], munud (minute.N.M.SG) [1], mwynhau (enjoy.V.INFIN) [1], na (PRT.NEG) [1], nac (PRT.NEG) [1], nace (unk) [1], nesa (next.ADJ.SUP) [1], nofio (swim.V.INFIN) [1], nôl (fetch.V.INFIN) [1], noson (night.N.F.SG) [1], o (from.PREP) [1], o (he.PRON.M.3S.[or].from.PREP.[or].of.PREP) [1], o_fewn (within.PREP.[or].inside.ADV) [1], ofyn (ask.V.INFIN+SM) [1], ogof (cave.N.F.SG) [1], pa (which.ADJ) [1], paid (stop.V.2S.IMPER) [1], pam (why?.ADV) [1], parseli (parcels.N.M.PL) [1], Pasg (name) [1], patrwm (pattern.N.M.SG) [1], poeni (worry.V.INFIN) [1], protestio (protest.V.INFIN) [1], pryd (when.INT) [1], prynu (buy.V.INFIN) [1], pump (five.NUM) [1], pwll (pool.N.M.SG) [1], pwrpas (purpose.N.M.SG) [1], pwsio (unk) [1], pwy (who.PRON) [1], pysgodyn (fish.N.M.SG) [1], raid (necessity.N.M.SG+SM) [1], rei (some.PREQ+SM) [1], rhandaliadau (unk) [1], rhoid (give.V.INFIN) [1], rhwyd (net.N.F.SG) [1], rhy (too.ADJ) [1], roid (give.V.INFIN+SM) [1], rywun (someone.N.M.SG+SM) [1], Sadwrn (Saturday.N.M.SG) [1], sbarcio (unk) [1], Siambr_Fasnach (name) [1], sicr (certain.ADJ.[or].sure.ADJ) [1], sti (you_know.IM) [1], strategaeth (strategy.N.F.SG) [1], swm (sum.N.M.SG) [1], swmiau (unk) [1], sydd (be.V.3S.PRES.REL) [1], sydyn (sudden.ADJ) [1], symud (move.V.INFIN) [1], symudol (mobile.ADJ) [1], syniadau (ideas.N.M.PL) [1], ta (be.IM) [1], tad (father.N.M.SG) [1], talu (pay.V.INFIN) [1], tawel (quiet.ADJ) [1], teg (fair.ADJ) [1], teimlo (feel.V.INFIN) [1], teulu (family.N.M.SG) [1], tocyn (ticket.N.M.SG) [1], toes (unk) [1], ton (wave.N.F.SG) [1], trafodaeth (discussion.N.F.SG) [1], trefnu (arrange.V.INFIN) [1], trio (try.V.INFIN) [1], tro (turn.N.M.SG) [1], tua (towards.PREP) [1], unig (only.PREQ.[or].lonely.ADJ) [1], unigol (singular.ADJ.[or].individual.ADJ) [1], wahanol (different.ADJ+SM) [1], waith (time.N.F.SG+SM.[or].work.N.M.SG+SM) [1], weithiau (times.N.F.PL+SM) [1], well (better.ADJ.COMP+SM) [1], Wener (Friday.N.F.SG+SM) [1], wn (know.V.1S.PRES+SM) [1], wna (do.V.1S.PRES+SM) [1], wrtha (to_me.PREP+PRON.1S) [1], wybodaeth (knowledge.N.F.SG+SM) [1], wythnos (week.N.F.SG) [1], yli (you_know.IM) [1], ymlaen (forward.ADV) [1], yn (in.PREP.[or].PRT) [1], yn_does (be.V.3S.PRES.INDEF.TAG) [1], yn_dydy (be.V.3S.PRES.TAG) [1], yndyn (be.V.3P.PRES.EMPH) [1], ynni (energy.N.M.SG) [1], yr (that.PRON.REL) [1],

Words with language tag: cym&eng (491)

yeah (yeah.ADV) [130], oh (oh.IM) [37], um (um.IM) [30], er (er.IM) [26], so (so.ADV) [21], right (right.ADJ) [20], just (just.ADV) [16], o_k (OK.IM) [14], lot (lot.N.SG) [10], Stan (name) [9], Iestyn (name) [8], project (project.N.SG) [7], Sylvie (name) [6], well (well.ADV) [6], great (great.ADJ) [5], group (group.N.SG.[or].croup.N.SG+SM) [5], mmm (mmm.IM) [5], Blaenau (name) [4], Blaenau_Bendigedig (name) [4], nice (nice.ADJ) [4], very (very.ADV) [4], creole (creole.N.SG) [3], game (game.N.SG.[or].came.AV.PAST+SM) [3], groups (group.N.SG+PL.[or].croup.N.SG+SM+PL) [3], hotel (hotel.N.SG) [3], Llanrwst (name) [3], round (round.ADJ) [3], rugby (rugby.N.SG) [3], sort (sort.N.SG) [3], sure (sure.ADJ) [3], ah (ah.IM) [2], Amanda (name) [2], Batten (name) [2], business (business.N.SG) [2], Castell_Deudraeth (name) [2], help (help.SV.INFIN) [2], issue (issue.N.SG) [2], John (name) [2], king (unk) [2], Mountbatten (name) [2], part (part.N.SG) [2], projects (project.N.SG+PL) [2], sport (sport.N.SG) [2], sports (sport.N.SG+PL.[or].sports.N.SG) [2], still (still.ADJ) [2], stuff (stuff.SV.INFIN) [2], ta_ra (unk) [2], Tryweryn (name) [2], Wil (name) [2], Wyn (name) [2], bar (par.N.SG+SM.[or].bar.N.SG) [1], Blaenau_Ffestiniog (name) [1], bloody (bloody.ADJ) [1], bourgeoisie (bourgeoisie.N.SG) [1], brojects (project.N.SG+SM+PL) [1], carnival (carnival.N.SG) [1], Cled (name) [1], client (client.N.SG) [1], cowboys (cowboy.N.SG+PL) [1], curry (curry.N.SG) [1], Dylan (name) [1], eh (eh.IM) [1], every (every.ADJ) [1], exams (exam.N.SG+PL) [1], factor (factor.N.SG) [1], game (came.AV.PAST+SM.[or].game.N.SG) [1], general (general.ADJ) [1], glear (clear.ADJ+SM) [1], Gwenith (name) [1], hello (hello.N.SG) [1], hi (hi.SV.INFIN) [1], hospital (hospital.N.SG) [1], Jen (name) [1], job (job.N.SG) [1], jobs (job.N.SG+PL) [1], just (just.ADV.[or].just.ADJ) [1], lady (lady.N.SG) [1], manor (manor.N.SG) [1], Meirion (name) [1], Mount (name) [1], negative (negative.ADJ) [1], Peter_Phillips (name) [1], phone (phone.N.SG) [1], pint (pint.N.SG) [1], Plas_Tan_y_Bwlch (name) [1], point (point.N.SG) [1], police (police.N.SG) [1], pool (pool.N.SG) [1], positive (positive.ADJ) [1], prawns (prawn.N.SG+PL) [1], problem (problem.N.SG) [1], quality (quality.N.SG) [1], room (room.N.SG) [1], rooms (room.N.SG+PL) [1], samosas (unk) [1], screen (screen.N.SG) [1], sorry (sorry.ADJ) [1], stuff (stuff.N.SG) [1], Tan_y_Bwlch (name) [1], televisions (television.N.SG+PL) [1], ticket (ticket.N.SG) [1], year (year.N.SG) [1], yep (yep.ADV) [1],

Words with language tag: eng (681)

the (the.DET.DEF) [34], of (of.PREP) [20], and (and.CONJ) [17], I (I.PRON.SUB.1S) [13], a (a.DET.INDEF) [12], is (is.V.3S.PRES) [11], it (it.PRON.SUB.3S) [11], it's (it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES) [11], to (to.PREP) [11], you (you.PRON.SUB.2SP) [11], but (but.CONJ) [10], in (in.PREP) [10], that's (that.DEM.FAR+BE.V.3S.PRES) [10], we (we.PRON.SUB.1P) [10], if (if.CONJ) [8], that (that.DEM.FAR) [8], they (they.PRON.SUB.3P) [8], they've (they.PRON.SUB.3P+HAVE.V.PRES) [8], big (big.ADJ) [7], got (got.V.PAST) [7], that (that.DEM.FAR.[or].that.CONJ) [7], think (think.V.1S.PRES) [7], because (because.CONJ) [6], can (can.V.123SP.PRES) [6], good (good.ADJ) [6], people (people.N.SG) [6], before (before.CONJ) [5], different (different.ADJ) [5], do (do.V.INFIN) [5], from (from.PREP) [5], health (health.N.SG) [5], it (it.PRON.OBJ.3S) [5], on (on.PREP) [5], we've (we.PRON.SUB.1P+HAVE.V.PRES) [5], are (are.V.123P.PRES) [4], everybody (everybody.PRON) [4], going (go.V.PRESPART) [4], know (know.V.2SP.PRES) [4], same (same.ADJ) [4], them (them.PRON.OBJ.3P) [4], thing (thing.N.SG) [4], well_being (unk) [4], all (all.ADJ) [3], as (as.CONJ) [3], come (come.V.INFIN) [3], consultation (consultation.N.SG) [3], done (done.V.PASTPART) [3], end (end.N.SG) [3], energy (energy.N.SG) [3], he (he.PRON.SUB.M.3S) [3], like (like.CONJ) [3], maybe (maybe.ADV) [3], no (no.ADV) [3], some (some.ADJ) [3], this (this.DEM.NEAR.SG) [3], troughs (trough.N.PL) [3], turn_over (unk) [3], what (what.REL) [3], when (when.CONJ) [3], will (will.V.3S.FUT) [3], with (with.PREP) [3], yes (yes.ADV) [3], about (about.PREP) [2], agreed (unk) [2], already (already.ADV) [2], ask (ask.V.1P.PRES) [2], be (be.V.INFIN) [2], been (been.V.PASTPART) [2], cash (cash.N.SG) [2], confidence (confidence.N.SG) [2], dropped (drop.N.SG+AV) [2], eighteenth (eighteenth.ORD) [2], financial (financial.ADJ) [2], food (food.N.SG) [2], for (for.PREP) [2], got (got.V.PASTPART) [2], had (had.V.PAST) [2], haven't (have.V.1P.PRES+NEG) [2], hell (hell.N.SG) [2], I'm (I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.PRES) [2], it'll (it.PRON.SUB.3S+BE.V.FUT) [2], I've (I.PRON.SUB.1S+HAVE.V.PRES) [2], later (later.ADJ) [2], like (like.CONJ.[or].like.SV.INFIN) [2], Lord (name) [2], me (me.PRON.OBJ.1S) [2], not (not.ADV) [2], one (one.PRON.SG) [2], or (or.CONJ) [2], other (other.ADJ) [2], payments (payment.N.PL) [2], peaks (peak.N.PL) [2], pipeline (pipeline.N.SG) [2], presentation (presentation.N.SG) [2], should (should.V.3S.PRES) [2], social (social.ADJ) [2], sporting (sport.N.SG+ASV) [2], stakeholder (unk) [2], started (start.V.PASTPART) [2], started (start.V.PAST) [2], stop (stop.V.INFIN) [2], strange (strange.ADJ) [2], take (take.V.INFIN) [2], that (that.CONJ) [2], there (there.ADV) [2], there's (there.PRON+BE.V.3S.PRES) [2], they're (they.PRON.SUB.3P+BE.V.PRES) [2], up (up.ADV) [2], waiting (unk) [2], well (well.ADV) [2], why (why.REL) [2], year (year.N.SG) [2], along (along.PREP) [1], anything (anything.PRON) [1], ask (ask.V.INFIN) [1], asking (ask.V.PRESPART) [1], associates (associate.SV.INFIN+PV) [1], audits (audit.N.PL) [1], away (away.ADV) [1], based (base.N.SG+AV) [1], be (be.SV.INFIN) [1], better (better.ADJ) [1], bigger (bigg.N.SG+COMP.AG.[or].bigger.ADJ) [1], bohemian (unk) [1], bottom (bottom.N.SG) [1], bring (bring.V.INFIN) [1], budget (budget.N.SG) [1], build (build.V.INFIN) [1], Burgundy (name) [1], came (came.V.PAST) [1], can't (can.V.123SP.PRES+NEG) [1], Cardiff (name) [1], cause (cause.N.SG) [1], closure (closure.N.SG) [1], Communities_First (name) [1], community (community.N.SG) [1], confirmed (unk) [1], contacts (contact.N.PL) [1], could (can.V.COND) [1], course (course.N.SG) [1], day (day.N.SG) [1], de (de.N.SG) [1], Denbighshire (name) [1], development (development.N.SG) [1], didn't (did.V.PAST+NEG) [1], disciplined (unk) [1], disciplines (discipline.N.PL) [1], doing (do.V.PRESPART) [1], don't (do.V.1S.PRES+NEG) [1], don't (do.V.3P.PRES+NEG) [1], dressed (dress.SV.INFIN+AV) [1], economic (economic.ADJ) [1], else (else.ADJ) [1], enough (enough.ADJ) [1], environment (environment.N.SG) [1], environmental (environmental.ADJ) [1], events (event.N.PL) [1], everything (everything.PRON) [1], expect (expect.V.2SP.PRES) [1], facilities (facility.N.PL.[or].facilities.N.PL) [1], far (far.ADV) [1], feel (feel.V.3P.PRES) [1], feel_good (unk) [1], flow (flow.N.SG) [1], flow's (flow.N.SG+GB) [1], funding (fund.N.SG+ASV) [1], gaps (gap.N.PL) [1], get (get.V.INFIN) [1], getting (get.V.PRESPART) [1], go (go.V.3S.PRES) [1], gonna (go.V.PRESPART+TO.PREP) [1], got (got.AV.PAST+P) [1], gym (gym.N.SG) [1], happen (happen.V.INFIN) [1], happening (happen.V.INFIN+ASV) [1], hasn't (has.V.3S.PRES+NEG) [1], hassle (hassle.N.SG) [1], have (have.V.1P.PRES) [1], have (have.V.3P.PRES) [1], haven't (have.V.INFIN+NEG) [1], haven't (have.V.3P.PRES+NEG) [1], here (here.ADV) [1], he's (he.PRON.SUB.M.3S+HAVE.V.3S.PRES) [1], his (his.ADJ.POSS.M.3S) [1], how (how.ADV) [1], I'll (I.PRON.SUB.1S+BE.V.FUT) [1], individual (individual.ADJ) [1], informally (informal.ADJ+ADV.[or].informally.ADV) [1], innit (unk) [1], into (into.PREP) [1], invoices (invoice.N.PL) [1], isn't (is.V.3S.PRES+NEG) [1], it's (it.PRON.OBJ.3S+BE.V.3S.PRES) [1], kind (kind.N.SG) [1], kinds (kind.N.PL.[or].kind.ADJ+PV) [1], know (know.V.1S.PRES) [1], knows (know.V.3S.PRES) [1], life (life.N.SG) [1], like (like.V.3P.PRES) [1], lord (lord.N.SG) [1], made (made.AV.PAST) [1], means (mean.SV.INFIN+PV.[or].means.N.SG) [1], means (mean.N.PL.[or].means.N.SG) [1], means (mean.V.3S.PRES.[or].means.N.SG) [1], meeting (unk) [1], money (money.N.SG) [1], months (month.N.PL) [1], most (most.ADJ) [1], much (much.ADJ) [1], networking (network.N.SG+ASV) [1], never (never.ADV) [1], only (on.PREP+ADV.[or].only.ADJ) [1], opportunities (opportunity.N.PL.[or].opportunities.N.PL) [1], out (out.ADV) [1], own (own.PRON) [1], participative (unk) [1], partnership (partnership.N.SG) [1], pay (pay.SV.INFIN) [1], proactive (unk) [1], protesting (protest.N.SG+ASV) [1], questionnaire (questionnaire.N.SG) [1], questionnaires (questionnaire.N.PL) [1], really (real.ADJ+ADV) [1], reason (reason.N.SG) [1], said (said.V.PAST) [1], seasonal (seasonal.ADJ) [1], see (see.V.INFIN) [1], seen (seen.V.PASTPART) [1], service (service.N.SG) [1], services (service.N.PL.[or].services.N.SG) [1], seventeen (seventeen.NUM) [1], slippage (slippage.N.SG) [1], so (so.ADV) [1], something (something.PRON) [1], specialist (specialist.N.SG) [1], speciality (speciality.N.SG) [1], spend (spend.V.INFIN) [1], springboard (springboard.N.SG) [1], Stan's (name) [1], start (start.V.INFIN) [1], starting (start.V.PRESPART) [1], strategy (strategy.N.SG) [1], swimming (unk) [1], takes (take.V.3S.PRES) [1], taking (take.SV.INFIN+ASV) [1], tap (tap.V.INFIN) [1], than (than.CONJ) [1], that'll (that.CONJ+BE.V.FUT) [1], that's (that.CONJ+BE.V.3S.PRES) [1], their (their.ADJ.POSS.3P) [1], then (then.ADV) [1], things (thing.N.PL) [1], think (think.V.INFIN) [1], thinking (think.V.PRESPART) [1], though (though.CONJ) [1], thought (thought.V.PAST) [1], thought (thought.AV.PAST) [1], three (three.NUM) [1], till (till.CONJ) [1], time (time.N.SG) [1], together (together.ADV) [1], too (too.ADV) [1], tremendous (tremendous.ADJ) [1], trying (try.V.PRESPART) [1], two (two.NUM) [1], understand (understand.V.INFIN) [1], Village_Hotels (name) [1], want (want.V.2SP.PRES) [1], want (want.V.1S.PRES) [1], want (want.V.1P.PRES) [1], was (was.V.3S.PAST) [1], way (way.N.SG) [1], we're (we.PRON.SUB.1P+BE.V.PRES) [1], western (western.ADJ) [1], wider (wider.ADJ) [1], will (will.V.123SP.FUT) [1], without (without.PREP) [1], won't (will.V.123SP.FUT+NEG) [1], word (word.N.SG) [1], work (work.V.INFIN) [1], work (work.N.SG) [1], work (work.SV.INFIN) [1], working (work.V.PRESPART) [1], would (be.V.123SP.COND) [1], yet (yet.CONJ) [1], you'd (you.PRON.SUB.2SP+BE.V.COND) [1],